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using test for libido (female)


Growing Newb
I'm a female who is looking to boost my libido. my husband got on TRT a year ago and his libido and drive went up quite a bit. i would like to follow in his footsteps but his doctor refuses to prescribe it to a female due to what he calls side effects and risks. thinking about doing it on my own, anyone try it?
I'm a female who is looking to boost my libido. my husband got on TRT a year ago and his libido and drive went up quite a bit. i would like to follow in his footsteps but his doctor refuses to prescribe it to a female due to what he calls side effects and risks. thinking about doing it on my own, anyone try it?

I wouldn't suggest steroids but you can boost libido with something otc light like n2generate es at lower doses and get some viagra 5mgs (not 50) which will sensitize you heavy down there.
your husband using it and you using it are entirely different, not even remotely the same thing... you can try n2generate 4 weeks and that should definitely do the trick, or bridge... bridge is often used by females and one of the top beneftis is the libido boost... bridge is also an n2bm product
female TRT comes with a lot of dangerous side effects, even more than men have to worry about

i would get bloodwork first and try natural test boosters before going down that route. your doctor won't prescribe it cause he likely does not want the litigation risk and also he is woefully undereducated on female TRT protocols
Going on TRT only increases libido if low testosterone was the cause of your low libido. Libido is very complex and often people use steroids and have the opposite effect.
Hello. Do a google search on Bremelanotide. This is a female sex peptide that raises sexual desire before menopause. Another peptide known to increase sexual desire is melanotan. If this Bremelanotide peptide starts getting a lot of demand from our customers, we will start stocking it. I'm sure there are a lot of guys out there that wouldn't mind upping their wife's/girlfriend's sex drive. Let me know everyones' thoughts.
This is a female sex peptide that raises sexual desire before menopause. Another peptide known to increase sexual desire is melanotan. If this Bremelanotide peptide starts getting a lot of demand from our customers, we will start stocking it. I'm sure there are a lot of guys out there that wouldn't mind upping their wife's/girlfriend's sex drive. Let me know everyones' thoughts.

I take melatonin 3mgs before bed is that enough? or take 10mgs?
melatonin and mt2 are two different things.
Melatonin calms you and makes you sleep better and more soundly, which is a good thing, but it doesn't boost your libido in the slightest.

MT2 is different from melatonin? ok so I get that where?
MT2 is different from melatonin? ok so I get that where?
first you should inform yourself about what it is and how it is used, what it does, possible side effects, etc.
MT2 is not just for libido but it will change your color ... if you are not already as black as coal.

However the skin is yours, you can find it on PSL
Bremelanotide is the way to go for females, its one of the components found in MT2...
You can find sprays online and such, this is truly the way to go for females..
Bremelanotide is very, very underestimated, maybe largely due to not many people knowing about it or having trust in this compound.

MT2 turns me into a complete uncontrollable animal.. I have always used (PT141) - Bremelanotide and that stuff had me fired up for hrs.
Bremelanotide is the way to go for females, its one of the components found in MT2...
You can find sprays online and such, this is truly the way to go for females..
Bremelanotide is very, very underestimated, maybe largely due to not many people knowing about it or having trust in this compound.

MT2 turns me into a complete uncontrollable animal.. I have always used (PT141) - Bremelanotide and that stuff had me fired up for hrs.

When you say animal? you mean like you workout and a lot of energy?
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