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looking to gain back weight


I recently went through a divorce which was one of the worst experiences you could go through. I lost 20 pounds during it from the stress, not the best way to lose weight. Now I am down to 155 pounds at 5’10’’. my diet is good but I want to gain back those lost pounds, which sarms stack would work here?
Try adding some base with ostarine mk2866 50mgs and testolone rad 140 20mgs, it's a good combo 8 weeks, after 8 weeks add some nutrobal mk677 and ostazol preworkout
Take it slow so you don't just gain fat back instead of muscle. Slowly increase good quality food intake and train hard. You could try Nutrobal which will increase appetite, and just add in one other SARM like Ostarine, LGD, or RAD.
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