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LGD4033 results

hi everyone I'm 4 weeks into my lgd cycle. The results are great. 10mgs ED + cardazol 5 caps. so far so shredded, :)
the results are good but im getting gyno, how do I prevent that? this is bad left nipple hard
hi everyone I'm 4 weeks into my lgd cycle. The results are great. 10mgs ED + cardazol 5 caps. so far so shredded, :)
the results are good but im getting gyno, how do I prevent that? this is bad left nipple hard

If you have gyno try adding nolvadex+aromasin asap.
I've heard horror stories of guys getting oral gear or pro hormones when the source isn't legitimate. I strongly recommend you use only sarms4sale and no one else. Proven legit quality sarms.
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