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cut stack for lean look


my last stack was a cutter stack. Getting lean and getting ripped is my goal this time again. I’m getting there. Now down to 217 pounds and 6’2’’
I’m 30 years old and I haven’t been under 200 pounds since I was in high school
seeking my high school weight and physique and getting to seven or eight percent body fat
looking to try masteron and tren this time
what dose works best for keeping sides managed?
my last stack was a cutter stack. Getting lean and getting ripped is my goal this time again. I’m getting there. Now down to 217 pounds and 6’2’’
I’m 30 years old and I haven’t been under 200 pounds since I was in high school
seeking my high school weight and physique and getting to seven or eight percent body fat
looking to try masteron and tren this time
what dose works best for keeping sides managed?
for a lean look try masteron sure with trenbolone

200mgs trenbolone
200mgs masteron
200mgs test
7caps n2guard
you will get side effects on tren and masteron

i mean no way to prevent that lol.

if you want the least sides with most impact i would do 200mgs tren and 300mgs mast
make sure you use para pharma. they have a lot of good options for tren and masteron
you can go short or long ester or even try a blend
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