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  1. F

    doing a 20 week cycle run

    hello. I’m 5’6’’ 183 pounds and 12% body fat I’m a big dude for my height and pretty jacked. Not bad for a guy who is only on trt. Looking to take things to the next level and do a 20 week cycle run which will be my blast. Aiming to use equipoise 300mgs a week, test cyp 200mgs a week and dbol...
  2. N

    blasting with 500mgs test after trt?

    I got put on trt at 28 years old because my doctor said I had low testosterone haven’t seen very much changes to my muscle or strength so I would like to start blasting more and we’ll be purchasing my own steroids. Do you think that I should just go with 500 milligrams of testosterone going...
  3. JimAbs43

    Podcast Underground 36 - TRT and Primobolan with Geneza Pharma Underground 36 - TRT and Primobolan with Geneza Pharma
  4. C

    my bloodwork is coming up need help

    so I’m getting blood work coming up and it’s very important that my blood work comes in good or my doctor my company off of trt he has already warned me once because my blood pressure and my cholesterol have been off and he said that if it happens again he’s gonna drop my trt levels down and I...
  5. JimAbs43

    Podcast 590 - I'm Young with Low Testosterone levels, TRT? 590 - I'm Young with Low Testosterone levels, TRT?
  6. V

    just another blast and cruise idea

    I’m currently in my early 30’s. Currently 5’10’’ 276 pounds and 58 years old. And also currently on TRT. I’m doing 300mgs a week from my anti aging clinic. I feel dizzy a lot, the dude at the clinic said not to worry it will go away over time and to stick with the plan that they have me on. I’m...
  7. C

    21 year old TRT

    so my doctor won’t prescribe me TRT, says my levels are normal. But I don’t feel good, I want to go on TRT badly. Called up an anti aging clinic about 2 hours away and talked to some chick on the phone who got my info and said they would call back. Some Dude with a New York accent calls me up...
  8. R

    using sarms with low test levels

    my normal test levels Are in the 80s, yes that is as bad as an old person. But I’ve been able to function pretty good even at that test level, however where it hits home is I struggle to put on any muscle mass or strength. This is why I would like to try sarms. Keep in mind I am 52 years old...
  9. C

    how do you like RAD?

    I’m curious what you guys thought about using RAD 15mgs a day was what I was looking at but wasn’t sure how would you add a cycle like this to TRT? I’m looking for additional muscle gains and also body fat loss I’m 48 and I’ve been on trt for the past 3 months. They have me on 150 mg a week and...
  10. G

    on TRT, just need cycle help

    I’ve been on trt for six months and I would like to run steroids I don’t want my doctor knowing what I’m doing so I plan on doing a 12-week cycle and then going back to my trt dose ahead of my blood work question is which steroid stack would work best for someone seeking something mild where my...
  11. W

    sarms with sports TRT

    my anti-aging doctor put me on sports trt not sure if you know what that is but I’m using 300 mg a week of testosterone, and he has me on hcg, and aromasin as well .. also he has me cycling different peptides anyway I was wondering which sarm would compliment my sports trt the best? I’m 59 years...
  12. Megatron315

    New member intro

    TLDR: new member, test levels are fucked, blasting and cruising seems to be the appropriate answer from now on. Hey guys, New to this form. 32 M 6’4 210lbs. I have a history of exercising sense I was 14 on and off for many years. Played collegiate sports ect.. I’ve done two cycles throughout my...
  13. LightWeight

    Supplements Best test booster? (for non ped user with low T)

    Hello I’m a 23 yo male and Ive recently went to a men’s clinic to look into medical weight loss. Before putting me on anything they wanted to do blood work, and a testosterone panel. Everything came back good except my testosterone which was at 189L the doctor told me to try a supplemental...
  14. J

    55 year old already on trt

    I’m 55 years old and almost 56 later this year Already on TRT so don’t care about recovery or anything Been doing trt for the past 5 years Doctor says he is okay with me blasting as long as i get bloodwork and monitor things properly and keep it hush I’m thinking of increasing my test dose from...
  15. P

    Domestic-Supply Domestic supply self TRT?

    I am looking to do self TRT going forward as my insurance got cancelled after I quit my job I’m interested in buying some testosterone cypionate or enanthate possibly that will be my TRT dose at 150mgs a week on my own. Which brand from domestic supply do you recommend for this? I am looking at...
  16. J

    sarms with TRT dose

    hello everyone nice to meet you I am on 120mgs a week TRT 44 years old and been on trt for 2 years now and it makes a nice difference 5’11’’ 165 pounds I want to add sarms to boost muscle memory and size should I adjust my trt dose if I use sarms? And which sarms go good with trt for my goals
  17. J

    Quickest TRT options

    what are the best testosterone replacement options in my situation I’m in my mid 40’s just got blood work done my numbers were in the 200 area I have felt fatigue and low libido for the past couple years Where do I go from here to get on TRT and any suggestions?
  18. P

    sports TRT vs. Regular TRT

    I went to my anti aging clinic and was offered a package per month for sports TRT they want to put me on 300mgs a week of testosterone replacement therapy. My question is what do you think is the main difference between regular trt and sports trt and which one did you get? I’m 36 years old and...
  19. M

    do you discuss steroids with doc?

    I am currently 44 years old I want to get on trt soon and want a script for it I’ve been using steroids for 20 years if I were to go on trt would I still need to talk to my doctor about non TRT things like my steroid use? Or should I just not mention it when I go in?
  20. P

    changing my steroid cycle

    I’m willing to change things up midway cause I am dealing with some issues on this stack I’m doing masteron propionate and trenbolone acetate. My main issue is that I am on TRT and worried if I change something I could screw things up would I be able to swap out the masteron for something else...
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