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  1. I

    What is ZMA all about?

    I've heard that you're not supposed to add certain types of minerals to your ZMA supplementation Or it could ruin your absorption of the supplement is it also true you should not be eating or drinking when taking it for the same reason
  2. L

    hard gainer supplements

    what is the best supplement or supplement stack for those of us who are true hard gainers? I’m 22 years old 5’10’’ 135 pounds I’m super skinny my friends laugh at me when I play basketball with them. I can only afford something for $30 or so, I am just a poor college kid
  3. L

    losing hair in my 30’s

    I’m already losing hair in my 30’s and was looking for a supplement that can help with this. I heard that olive oil was good for your hair but not sure if that helps with keeping your hair or just making it less scratchy and rough. What do you guys and gals use?
  4. V

    Morning energy

    How do Some of you managed to jump out of bed in the morning and get on with your day. My alarm clock wakes me up at 6 a.m. and I'm lucky to be up in the next 30 minutes because it's hard. It's like I have to struggle to get on with my day. Is there a supplement that you guys take first thing to...
  5. R

    Creatine every day

    I am going to start using creatine every day. I started working out everyday so I want to take the creatine along with it. I think that 5 grams a day is the max dosage I can run correct? Can you suggest to me a supplement that contains creatine that you would recommend
  6. Q

    Can supplements harden up muscles or no?

    It is very weird but I only weigh 65 kg but my muscles are not hard at all. I feel like my body fat is under 12% as well. I'm looking for a supplement that can help harden up my muscles which are really flabby if you know what I mean. Like my chest looks like a woman's breast I want to make it...
  7. B

    Best supplement for joint pain

    I was playing tennis the other day and I was serving and I hit the ball really hard and the racket flew out of my hand and I got a sharp pain on my elbow. I stop playing for a little bit then continued again. And I felt okay then the next day it was swollen. The pain has been getting worse, what...
  8. W

    Supplements to hydrate

    I work a construction job and this time of year I'm Sweating Bullets. My Buddy actually measured how much weight he loses every day and he came out to 5 to 6 lb from just sweating so much. Which supplement can I take that will help hydrate me so I don't lose too much water out of my system
  9. W

    Sexual supplement

    I'm looking for the best sexual supplement out there that I can take before bedroom activities and get the best results from. Specifically I'm looking for libido and erections that are really strong and I can last over an hour. Please only give me something natural I don't want to take a drug
  10. M

    Energy supplements

    I am tired of being tired all the time and having no energy. I wake up in the morning and it's a grind just to get out of bed. Then when I go to work and then come home I have to go to the gym and sometimes I don't even go cuz I just don't have the energy to go. I need a supplement I can take...
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