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what to add to test E


I'm going to be using testosterone enanthate on this next cycle
I'm tempted to use 750 mg a week along with Arimidex one to two milligrams per week total and splitting it up three times a week
my question is for bulking would you recommend I anadrol, dbol or equipoise in this stack? or should I use all of the above
I'm currently 6'3 160 lb and 8% body fat. 25 years old
I want to gain like 10 pounds
well it depends on what you perseonally like. you can bulk on all those

i like EQ as the most mild option

but dbol is very easy to bulk on and anadrol is an absolute beast
none... at 25 years old, definitely nothing... you should not be considering steroid use at your age and definitely not a cycle like that...

ON TOP OF THE FACT you are 6'3 and only 160 pounds??? im 6'1" and 175 and i have been called way too skinny constantly... you are TWO INCHES TALLER AND 15 POUNDS LIGHTER.. you are EXTREMELY underweight and in no way should you ever consider steroid use with that either... DO NOT use steroids man
My recommendation is to get MK677, GHRP-6 and GHRP-2 to help you start to eat more because you are severely lacking with overall weight and you would want to add at least 20-25 pounds for your height and even then, you would be quite low there. Just fixing your diet you could gain that all naturally
I'm going to be using testosterone enanthate on this next cycle
I'm tempted to use 750 mg a week along with Arimidex one to two milligrams per week total and splitting it up three times a week
my question is for bulking would you recommend I anadrol, dbol or equipoise in this stack? or should I use all of the above
I'm currently 6'3 160 lb and 8% body fat. 25 years old
I want to gain like 10 pounds
for bulking add dbol 50mgs ed

testosterone 750mgs
dbol 50mgs
n2guard 7caps
arimidex 1mg eod
dbol and test of course the main bulk is the dbol
I'm going to be using testosterone enanthate on this next cycle
I'm tempted to use 750 mg a week along with Arimidex one to two milligrams per week total and splitting it up three times a week
my question is for bulking would you recommend I anadrol, dbol or equipoise in this stack? or should I use all of the above
I'm currently 6'3 160 lb and 8% body fat. 25 years old
I want to gain like 10 pounds
I would run complete cycle, TEST/ EQ BOLD and DBOL
Estrogen blocker Adex please be sure PCT after the primary cycle
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