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Approved Log Supertest, Masteron, Superdrol 12 Weeks Cycle and Training Log

Definitely in to follow this log. That is a lot of gear though man. Do you usually run test that high?
Hey mate I’m a pig for anabolics and yes I’ve always just high doses of test. And I really do feel that mast doesn’t really start to show its colour til around the 600 mark…

High test for me = more size.

I don’t have a problem with aromatisation I’ve run up to 2g of test before with no AI I just don’t get the typical aromatisation sides with the sensitive nips ect. I do start holding more water as the dosage goes up. But I like to sit around the 700 - 1000 mark… AJs Supertest is awesome . I’ll start with 2ml Supertest and 2ml mast e on Mondays and Thursdays which will be the 700mg test and 400mg mast e that I’m going to run for the first half of the cycle… then I will increase to 3ml Supertest and 4ml mast but I’ll do the injections Monday Wednesday and Friday.. that’s the plan…

I get the keys to my new house tomorrow so I will take my before pics this weekend. I have lost a lot of size with my life dramas and not training for the past few months but won’t take me long until I’m back to how I was before 👌
Hey mate I’m a pig for anabolics and yes I’ve always just high doses of test. And I really do feel that mast doesn’t really start to show its colour til around the 600 mark…

High test for me = more size.

I don’t have a problem with aromatisation I’ve run up to 2g of test before with no AI I just don’t get the typical aromatisation sides with the sensitive nips ect. I do start holding more water as the dosage goes up. But I like to sit around the 700 - 1000 mark… AJs Supertest is awesome . I’ll start with 2ml Supertest and 2ml mast e on Mondays and Thursdays which will be the 700mg test and 400mg mast e that I’m going to run for the first half of the cycle… then I will increase to 3ml Supertest and 4ml mast but I’ll do the injections Monday Wednesday and Friday.. that’s the plan…

I get the keys to my new house tomorrow so I will take my before pics this weekend. I have lost a lot of size with my life dramas and not training for the past few months but won’t take me long until I’m back to how I was before 👌
@Juice0704 you're not a pig bro many of use use a lot of gear :)

waiting on the new pics for you to share

but can you start sharing more training diet too?

btw I think if you want high dose @MONSTRO uses a lot too and he's huge, so do it
and if this works hit this cycle we'll support and follow you along
@Juice0704 you're not a pig bro many of use use a lot of gear :)

waiting on the new pics for you to share

but can you start sharing more training diet too?

btw I think if you want high dose @MONSTRO uses a lot too and he's huge, so do it
and if this works hit this cycle we'll support and follow you along
legend bro…

I’ve had a lot of life dramas the past few months. I won’t get into it but let’s just say i lost about 10kg very very quickly.
Going thru a bad break up. Haven’t trained since September when i moved cities. AJ from ugloz has always looked out for me and when hearing this he quickly jumped on the bus to help me get back on the right path. So that’s what I’m about to begin…

Have organised a new place to live (nasty break up kids involved) and I get my new keys tomorrow so will upload pics over the weekend as I move and settle in…

Also totalled my car the weekend before last weekend during the big break up. Hectic. So waiting on an insurance pay out from that and everything is slowly getting back on the right path…

Plan to kick off this cycle on the first along with getting back into fully fledged training.. will start logging my food and nutrition then too and will make this log a super detail oriented place for people who are looking for inspiration too…

When the 1st of Jan rolls around til the end of march when this is 12 week blast is done I predict I’ll be looking like a completely different person bro.. can’t wait to show off my results
Don't rely on lots to regain the size. You'll get that back anyway
For sure bro I’m very aware I don’t technically need this much AAS. I’m usually running about 750 test and 600 mast and about 4iu HGH daily and that is the kind of thing I usually run to be at about 105kg with sub 10% bf. So won’t take long to get back there once started
legend bro…

I’ve had a lot of life dramas the past few months. I won’t get into it but let’s just say i lost about 10kg very very quickly.
Going thru a bad break up. Haven’t trained since September when i moved cities. AJ from ugloz has always looked out for me and when hearing this he quickly jumped on the bus to help me get back on the right path. So that’s what I’m about to begin…

Have organised a new place to live (nasty break up kids involved) and I get my new keys tomorrow so will upload pics over the weekend as I move and settle in…

Also totalled my car the weekend before last weekend during the big break up. Hectic. So waiting on an insurance pay out from that and everything is slowly getting back on the right path…

Plan to kick off this cycle on the first along with getting back into fully fledged training.. will start logging my food and nutrition then too and will make this log a super detail oriented place for people who are looking for inspiration too…

When the 1st of Jan rolls around til the end of march when this is 12 week blast is done I predict I’ll be looking like a completely different person bro.. can’t wait to show off my results
myself and work on myself and it's a great time to do that
sucks though that kids are involved that's the hardest thing on them
Monstro here
don't be shy about using high doses
it's not like you're staying on year round I say go for it hit over 1000 mg a week
get some pictures of the new Bachelor Pad we want to see it
and definitely we would love to see pictures of yourself
as we said don't worry about how you look now
that is the point of doing this log to transform your body into the best
much respect for being so humble
sounds like you've had some horrible luck lately do you have a picture of the car that got smashed up that's always pretty cool to look at
you've definitely been through a lot of BS so it's good that you're starting this log now
this is going to be a fresh start for you and I say go for it hot and heavy hit it
looking forward to see those pictures get them on here as soon as possible
this way you can look back in 10 or 12 weeks from now and see the comparison
much respect for being so humble
sounds like you've had some horrible luck lately do you have a picture of the car that got smashed up that's always pretty cool to look at
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