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Seeking advice on doctors and bloodwork.

I like my doctor. He's a regular family physician. In general he's done great things for me. Got my meds just right. Seems to really care. I requested bloodwork. He was happy to run CBC, metabolic, TSH, and lipids. But he talked me out of running Test and E2. I hadn't explicitly mentioned that I intend to run my first test cycle, only that I've been weight training very seriously and minding my diet to the T for a long time now and wanted to see my blood levels. I specifically requested those tests and he didn't want to do them. Didn't necessarily refuse but it gave me pause. If I need a doc looking after my hormone levels and other aspects of my fitness journey, he might not be the guy. And now I have some questions for you guys. Do you think it's important to see a doctor who specializes in either sports medicine or hormone therapy? Is it absolutely vital to know specific Test and E2 levels before running a short, low dose cycle of Test E? Maybe an 8 week pyramid to see how I respond. Or would it be possible instead to watch for their effects? And if it is necessary are there alternative, affordable ways to get those tests?
I like my doctor. He's a regular family physician. In general he's done great things for me. Got my meds just right. Seems to really care. I requested bloodwork. He was happy to run CBC, metabolic, TSH, and lipids. But he talked me out of running Test and E2. I hadn't explicitly mentioned that I intend to run my first test cycle, only that I've been weight training very seriously and minding my diet to the T for a long time now and wanted to see my blood levels. I specifically requested those tests and he didn't want to do them. Didn't necessarily refuse but it gave me pause. If I need a doc looking after my hormone levels and other aspects of my fitness journey, he might not be the guy. And now I have some questions for you guys. Do you think it's important to see a doctor who specializes in either sports medicine or hormone therapy? Is it absolutely vital to know specific Test and E2 levels before running a short, low dose cycle of Test E? Maybe an 8 week pyramid to see how I respond. Or would it be possible instead to watch for their effects? And if it is necessary are there alternative, affordable ways to get those tests?

You should go to a doctor that will help with your hormones not try to talk you out of it. Very bad when doctors dont do what patient wants. Get a TRT doctor and you'll never had this issue.
eh, a doctor isn't going to sit with you and guide you with hormones the way you think anyway. doctors don't have the time to explain this stuff to you

my recommendation is a consultation with me where we i can spend time answering all your question and concerns and teach you how to get your own bloodwork done and mold a plan. PM me for more info, i only have a few slots open for next weekend
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