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Post-Covid Recomp Cycle

Master of Nothing

How’s it going gents long time onlooker, first time poster:

I got diagnosed with the damn Covid back in May/June had to take off from the gym and my cruise of 150mg of Test /week for about 8 weeks. Went ahead and saw my endocrinologist, ran the proper PCT from Evo.. everything went fine but my body got WHACKED.

Here’s where I am now - 32/5’9”/231/16ish% bf

I am attempting to run a recomp so I want some takes, I’ll probably end up posting photos and documenting my recomp and overall recovery.

here’s the recomp cycle:

First 6-8 weeks:

Clen 20mcg/day - 2 weeks
Clen 40mcg/day - 2 weeks
Clen 60mcg/day - 2 weeks
Clen 80mcg/day - 2 weeks
Cardarine - 20mg/day - 6 weeks
Ostarine - 20mg/day - 6 weeks

I know some of you hate clen, I love it. It has worked for me for about a decade now. Want to use clen to push my cardio and diet back into a healthy BF range before kicking off my other goodies.

Weeks 9-17
Test Prop - 150mg/week
Primo - 700mg/week

Weeks 17-22
Test Prop - 150mg/week
Primo - 700mg/week
Anavar - 50mg/day (no more than 6 weeks)

Weeks 22-26
Perfect PCT as mentioned on Evolutionary.

Here’s where I’ll ask for help/guidance: anything else you guys in the community can recommend for a recomp? I know Covid is a new beast but I can compare it to a long lasting post-flu effect where you feel weak and lethargic.

like I said, I’ll probably document this cycle with photos and I can post my most recent blood work from July and my next lab visit is in October.

Open to any/all suggestions here.
Great to see you and hope you feel better from the COVID man.

A few changes:
Weeks 9-17
Test Prop - 150mg/week
Primo - 700mg/week
*I would change test prop to testosterone enanthate 250mgs
+* Add 3 caps Cardazol/preworkout

Weeks 17-22
Test Prop - 150mg/week
Primo - 700mg/week
Anavar - 50mg/day (no more than 6 weeks)
*I would change test prop to testosterone enanthate 250mgs
+ * You can run anavar 8 weeks so start it earlier by 2
Honestly with GW you wouldn't even need the clen it would boost endurance help with fast loss and greatly improve cardio, if you like clen go for it but for me id just use GW and if you get mk2866 and GW use out app sponsor
here is my view with clen. even if you get results on it the good is far oustripped by the bad 1000%. and to get results you gotta raise the dosage up to cause the sides in the first place. remember these aren't therapeutic dosages
Thanks dudes.

I’ll drop the clen and add some cardazol preworkout.

Is banned nutrition worth a shit? Never purchased cardazol before - any recommended plugs?
Thanks dudes.

I’ll drop the clen and add some cardazol preworkout.

Is banned nutrition worth a shit? Never purchased cardazol before - any recommended plugs?

I use cardazol preworkout and AM. I go with 1 cap after breakfast, 1 cap 1 hour before training, 1 cap 30min before, 1 15min before, 1 right before and 1 in middle of training. I have the most INSANE training sessions ever. I didn't have that before when I used straight ECA. So I definitely think it's worth it.
Thanks dudes.

I’ll drop the clen and add some cardazol preworkout.

Is banned nutrition worth a shit? Never purchased cardazol before - any recommended plugs?

Clen will mess up your heart, I don't use it anymore. I had heart issues using it long term (over 5 years). I switched to cardazol last year Feb so over a year on cardazol and the workouts are still amazing.
Cardazol is a great fat loss aid, awesome for cardio and concerntration, reading info:
Thanks for all the replies - went ahead and placed an order of GW.

I will start a thread of my progress after my 1 October bloodwork, will not start cycle before then.

Should be down to 215-220 and ready for my show in March (COVID-19 pandemic pending).

Y’all don’t hesitate to reach out if you’re ever in the D.C. metro area, we have the best gym in the nation y’all are welcome anytime @ DMV Iron - check it out on Instagram.
you want gw501516 which is proven over years to be the most effective out there in the safest way when it comes to what you are wanting... you are not going to get anything better... stacking it with sr9009 would be more than ideal... the best quality is at
That's awesome ! You will love GW its amazing at what it does, just eat right work hard the results will follow
Keep us updated on your progress. I am glad you decided not to go with clen. It can be effective for sure but the negative effects are just so bad. And since you have used it so much, you really don't want to continue doing that to your body.
Alright guys here we go, got the Cardazol in from Banned nutrition and my Sarms in from S4S. Here's the updated cycle to include ancillaries and my daily intake of vitamins and other herbal BS that I personally adore.

Photos to come as soon as I get a hand in taking some adequate ones plus i'll be honest - post COVID my body looks like shit (to me) and it's really affecting my overall mood, ya'll know how it is - forever small, forever not lean enough. Thankfully, I have a solid Endo and primary care provider assisting me with these "mood changes".. Peak 2020 vibe bros.

My Macro split for the first few weeks, will updated depending on how my body responds (plateaus and such):

2,350ish calories 234g protein 234g carbs 52g fat

I like to watch my macros during a surplus and deficit as to be sure to not crash my metabolism, obviously by the time I get to the Primo I will need to increase my protein intake to really get some solid benefits there and sometimes, just sometimes if I have to travel for work more than 4-6 weeks I'll even throw some Tren Ace in to really help me with my diet because lets be honest, Tren Ace (low dose 100-150mg/week) when traveling is a life saver when you can't hit all your macros.

I will continue to update the log, after I begin on October 1st, after bloodwork to include my daily intake of food and any supplements, I find this approach to be far more beneficial to newer dudes who don't quite understand dieting for performance.

First 6-8 weeks:

Cardazol 6/day split
Cardarine - 20mg/day
Ostarine - 20mg/day
Multi-vitamin (V/S brand Men's daily)
Fish Oils
Milk Thistle
Creatine Monohydrate
Protein, BCAAs, Carb shakes (intra-workout)

Weeks 9-17
Cardazol 6/day
Test Prop - 150mg/week
Primo - 700mg/week
Multi-vitamin (V/S brand Men's daily)
Fish Oils
Milk Thistle
Creatine Monohydrate
Protein, BCAAs, Carb shakes (intra-workout)
AI on hand but I really dislike using them unless I absolutely need them.

Weeks 17-22
Cardazol 6/day
Test Prop - 150mg/week
Primo - 700mg/week
Anavar - 50mg/day (no more than 6 weeks)
Multi-vitamin (V/S brand Men's daily)
Fish Oils
Milk Thistle
Creatine Monohydrate
Protein, BCAAs, Carb shakes (intra-workout)
Again, AI on hand but I'm not a fan of quick trigger-pullers on AI use.

Weeks 22-30 (doses obviously tapered off)
Cardazol 6/day
N2Generate ES
Armoasin (on hand, I like to look at bloods and how I feel)
Multi-vitamin (V/S brand Men's daily)
Fish Oils
Milk Thistle
Creatine Monohydrate
Protein, BCAAs, Carb shakes (intra-workout)

Goals by April 29, 2021 are 220-225lbs >10% BF at 5 feet 9 inches tall.

Standing by for any questions/comments/concerns.
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