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Approved Log My Log - On the road to get bigger and reverse type 2 diabetes


Hi all,
I'm wanting to become a bodybuilder with big muscles - however 2 things stand in my way: access to right gear/knowledge and type 2 diabetes (did it to myself over the years with uncontrolled sugar and food addiction due to depression and uncontrolled ADHD)

Age: 39 - 40
Sex/gender: Male
My conditions: Type 2 diabetes (taking and lower end of obesity, ED and tendonitis in elbow (90% healed but still long term pain), left leg peripheral neuropathy and (testicular atrophy since I started TRT)

Current diabetic medication: Glimepride (2mg) - in the past was on metformin (really bad side effects), semaglutide, ozempic and rybelsus etc - all had negative side effects and did not assist in blood sugar reduction and rybelsus sent me to hospital as it nearly stopped my intestines from functioning (stay away from that shit)

My current diet: Normally I eat 3 days a week (do water extended water fasting for 2 or 3 days at a time to bring down sugar levels) - rest of time I eat meat, butter, eggs, olive oil, pickles and a bit of spices and herbs - veg if I feel like it once a month (usually don't). Only dairy I eat is cheese - might give that up too as dairy is very inflammatory). Eating this carnivore style diet is really helping me keep my muscle and lose fat - but is hampered by my low test.

My approx lifting schedule: Mon (Leg day 1 - lighter squats, stretching, light donkey kicks and leg press), Tues (Chest and biceps - heavy as I can go), Wed (Triceps, calves and forearms with stretches), Thurs (Back and deadlifts), Fri = off, Sat = heavy squats and Leg press, Sun = Off

Went to Endocrinologist for low test (200 points below normal range):
2 months ago:
What I was prescribed: Test Cyp once every 3 weeks (bottle: 100mg/1000 ml) - felt no effects - still no strength improvement or any others

Last month went back to endo:
Currently prescribed: Delatestryl 100mg once every week (bottle: 200mg/1000ml) - feeling minor strength improvement, a tiny bit of improvement with mood and ED - enables me to lift normal to lighter side of weights in gym - but I still get tired and unable to lift heavier quickly
Issues: some insomnia, energy comes in small bursts then goes away, testicular atrophy is there now and dull ache in balls which shrank by 40% in size so far...I asked endo for HCG he said I can be either on Test or HCG but not both at the same time....(I feel this is not true based on when men's clinics prescribe to others with low T)

What i'm wanting to do:
1. For muscle: I want to run Test at 500mg to 1000mg per week with maybe sustanon and better, hcg for atrophy reversal (5000 Iu) and aromasin for estradiol/gyno reversal

2. For diabetes and tendon issues: I want to run injectable SR9009 (unable to locate Canadian source - only injections work - oral does not for SR9009 specifically), I want to run peptides: BCP 157 and TB 500 for tendon and repair in high doses - also injections
Note: I want to avoid oral test, sarms and peptides as it compromises liver functionality (apart from aromasin)

If anyone has advice i'd welcome it - oh and for those asking source on reversing Type 2 diabetes - check out Dr.Jason Fung (kidney specialist) who reversed type 2 diabeties in patients with kidney damage on dialysis with intermittent and extended Fasting (link: - the longest water fast I did was 20 days thus far (only water and a bit of salt) - but am wondering if this proposal is a better way - my diet is spot on now as is my exercise motivation.
you are on the right track. I like Dr. Fung and yes i have obviously read all his books (it should be required reading to even rep on these forums) but I don't agree with him 100%. my main point i disagree with him on is fruit. fruit is not your enemy. remember with fruit it is mostly made up of water and some fiber. the sugar content is almost nothing and the insulin spike would be very slow since it is so full of fiber vs. eating cake or ice cream.
plus fruit has so many vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, anti oxidants, etc.

so in other words fruit and veggies are your friend. i would much rather someone fighting insulin resistance go that route vs. high protein/keto. don't believe the bs about you need tons of meat to keep/build muscle. it isn't how our bodies work.

also fasting is extremely important here but if you do fast as i'm sure you know you will need to balance out your diabetes medications or it can get dangerous. if you do long fasts that will cure and control your diabetes, but if you go back to doing what you did before it will just come back. insulin resistance and sensitivity can be changed back and forth, we are truly amazing creatures who have built in survival modes. that is why humans were able to survive so much shit the past 2.5M years
Hi all,
I'm wanting to become a bodybuilder with big muscles - however 2 things stand in my way: access to right gear/knowledge and type 2 diabetes (did it to myself over the years with uncontrolled sugar and food addiction due to depression and uncontrolled ADHD)

Age: 39 - 40
Sex/gender: Male
My conditions: Type 2 diabetes (taking and lower end of obesity, ED and tendonitis in elbow (90% healed but still long term pain), left leg peripheral neuropathy and (testicular atrophy since I started TRT)

Current diabetic medication: Glimepride (2mg) - in the past was on metformin (really bad side effects), semaglutide, ozempic and rybelsus etc - all had negative side effects and did not assist in blood sugar reduction and rybelsus sent me to hospital as it nearly stopped my intestines from functioning (stay away from that shit)

My current diet: Normally I eat 3 days a week (do water extended water fasting for 2 or 3 days at a time to bring down sugar levels) - rest of time I eat meat, butter, eggs, olive oil, pickles and a bit of spices and herbs - veg if I feel like it once a month (usually don't). Only dairy I eat is cheese - might give that up too as dairy is very inflammatory). Eating this carnivore style diet is really helping me keep my muscle and lose fat - but is hampered by my low test.

My approx lifting schedule: Mon (Leg day 1 - lighter squats, stretching, light donkey kicks and leg press), Tues (Chest and biceps - heavy as I can go), Wed (Triceps, calves and forearms with stretches), Thurs (Back and deadlifts), Fri = off, Sat = heavy squats and Leg press, Sun = Off

Went to Endocrinologist for low test (200 points below normal range):
2 months ago:
What I was prescribed: Test Cyp once every 3 weeks (bottle: 100mg/1000 ml) - felt no effects - still no strength improvement or any others

Last month went back to endo:
Currently prescribed: Delatestryl 100mg once every week (bottle: 200mg/1000ml) - feeling minor strength improvement, a tiny bit of improvement with mood and ED - enables me to lift normal to lighter side of weights in gym - but I still get tired and unable to lift heavier quickly
Issues: some insomnia, energy comes in small bursts then goes away, testicular atrophy is there now and dull ache in balls which shrank by 40% in size so far...I asked endo for HCG he said I can be either on Test or HCG but not both at the same time....(I feel this is not true based on when men's clinics prescribe to others with low T)

What i'm wanting to do:
1. For muscle: I want to run Test at 500mg to 1000mg per week with maybe sustanon and better, hcg for atrophy reversal (5000 Iu) and aromasin for estradiol/gyno reversal

2. For diabetes and tendon issues: I want to run injectable SR9009 (unable to locate Canadian source - only injections work - oral does not for SR9009 specifically), I want to run peptides: BCP 157 and TB 500 for tendon and repair in high doses - also injections
Note: I want to avoid oral test, sarms and peptides as it compromises liver functionality (apart from aromasin)

If anyone has advice i'd welcome it - oh and for those asking source on reversing Type 2 diabetes - check out Dr.Jason Fung (kidney specialist) who reversed type 2 diabeties in patients with kidney damage on dialysis with intermittent and extended Fasting (link: - the longest water fast I did was 20 days thus far (only water and a bit of salt) - but am wondering if this proposal is a better way - my diet is spot on now as is my exercise motivation.
@Fat2fit1000 welcome to the big show, you finally got the log going.

I think in your case sustanon 500mgs per week in 2 injections is the best option, self-TRT.

DO NOT use any injectable sarms, even stenabolic sr9009 has a short half life better do 4 doses/day than inject, dangerous to inject sarms.

You also need organ liver support n2guard 7caps/ed no matter what cycle you use, it's a must.

BCP157 and tb500 sure you can do it, start slow NOT high doses, never start with high doses start very low dose.

For diabetes 100% fasting works and Dr. Jason Fung is a pro at this, he's a real hero for diabetics who want to change their life.

Now for your diet and training, it's not clear at all, very lack of detail.

for diet Please start posting actual meals what you eat when you eat it etc
and for training start posting reps and sets and exercises as you do them

and we need to see a face blurred picture from you
happy to see I was waiting for you to log saw you in the CA thread
now post up diet training details
for sure positive log start
add diet details training details daily and add face blurred picture
Hi all,
I'm wanting to become a bodybuilder with big muscles - however 2 things stand in my way: access to right gear/knowledge and type 2 diabetes (did it to myself over the years with uncontrolled sugar and food addiction due to depression and uncontrolled ADHD)

Age: 39 - 40
Sex/gender: Male
My conditions: Type 2 diabetes (taking and lower end of obesity, ED and tendonitis in elbow (90% healed but still long term pain), left leg peripheral neuropathy and (testicular atrophy since I started TRT)

Current diabetic medication: Glimepride (2mg) - in the past was on metformin (really bad side effects), semaglutide, ozempic and rybelsus etc - all had negative side effects and did not assist in blood sugar reduction and rybelsus sent me to hospital as it nearly stopped my intestines from functioning (stay away from that shit)

My current diet: Normally I eat 3 days a week (do water extended water fasting for 2 or 3 days at a time to bring down sugar levels) - rest of time I eat meat, butter, eggs, olive oil, pickles and a bit of spices and herbs - veg if I feel like it once a month (usually don't). Only dairy I eat is cheese - might give that up too as dairy is very inflammatory). Eating this carnivore style diet is really helping me keep my muscle and lose fat - but is hampered by my low test.

My approx lifting schedule: Mon (Leg day 1 - lighter squats, stretching, light donkey kicks and leg press), Tues (Chest and biceps - heavy as I can go), Wed (Triceps, calves and forearms with stretches), Thurs (Back and deadlifts), Fri = off, Sat = heavy squats and Leg press, Sun = Off

Went to Endocrinologist for low test (200 points below normal range):
2 months ago:
What I was prescribed: Test Cyp once every 3 weeks (bottle: 100mg/1000 ml) - felt no effects - still no strength improvement or any others

Last month went back to endo:
Currently prescribed: Delatestryl 100mg once every week (bottle: 200mg/1000ml) - feeling minor strength improvement, a tiny bit of improvement with mood and ED - enables me to lift normal to lighter side of weights in gym - but I still get tired and unable to lift heavier quickly
Issues: some insomnia, energy comes in small bursts then goes away, testicular atrophy is there now and dull ache in balls which shrank by 40% in size so far...I asked endo for HCG he said I can be either on Test or HCG but not both at the same time....(I feel this is not true based on when men's clinics prescribe to others with low T)

What i'm wanting to do:
1. For muscle: I want to run Test at 500mg to 1000mg per week with maybe sustanon and better, hcg for atrophy reversal (5000 Iu) and aromasin for estradiol/gyno reversal

2. For diabetes and tendon issues: I want to run injectable SR9009 (unable to locate Canadian source - only injections work - oral does not for SR9009 specifically), I want to run peptides: BCP 157 and TB 500 for tendon and repair in high doses - also injections
Note: I want to avoid oral test, sarms and peptides as it compromises liver functionality (apart from aromasin)

If anyone has advice i'd welcome it - oh and for those asking source on reversing Type 2 diabetes - check out Dr.Jason Fung (kidney specialist) who reversed type 2 diabeties in patients with kidney damage on dialysis with intermittent and extended Fasting (link: - the longest water fast I did was 20 days thus far (only water and a bit of salt) - but am wondering if this proposal is a better way - my diet is spot on now as is my exercise motivation.
wish you luck my man. you can do this with commitment
Hi all,
I'm wanting to become a bodybuilder with big muscles - however 2 things stand in my way: access to right gear/knowledge and type 2 diabetes (did it to myself over the years with uncontrolled sugar and food addiction due to depression and uncontrolled ADHD)

Age: 39 - 40
Sex/gender: Male
My conditions: Type 2 diabetes (taking and lower end of obesity, ED and tendonitis in elbow (90% healed but still long term pain), left leg peripheral neuropathy and (testicular atrophy since I started TRT)

Current diabetic medication: Glimepride (2mg) - in the past was on metformin (really bad side effects), semaglutide, ozempic and rybelsus etc - all had negative side effects and did not assist in blood sugar reduction and rybelsus sent me to hospital as it nearly stopped my intestines from functioning (stay away from that shit)

My current diet: Normally I eat 3 days a week (do water extended water fasting for 2 or 3 days at a time to bring down sugar levels) - rest of time I eat meat, butter, eggs, olive oil, pickles and a bit of spices and herbs - veg if I feel like it once a month (usually don't). Only dairy I eat is cheese - might give that up too as dairy is very inflammatory). Eating this carnivore style diet is really helping me keep my muscle and lose fat - but is hampered by my low test.

My approx lifting schedule: Mon (Leg day 1 - lighter squats, stretching, light donkey kicks and leg press), Tues (Chest and biceps - heavy as I can go), Wed (Triceps, calves and forearms with stretches), Thurs (Back and deadlifts), Fri = off, Sat = heavy squats and Leg press, Sun = Off

Went to Endocrinologist for low test (200 points below normal range):
2 months ago:
What I was prescribed: Test Cyp once every 3 weeks (bottle: 100mg/1000 ml) - felt no effects - still no strength improvement or any others

Last month went back to endo:
Currently prescribed: Delatestryl 100mg once every week (bottle: 200mg/1000ml) - feeling minor strength improvement, a tiny bit of improvement with mood and ED - enables me to lift normal to lighter side of weights in gym - but I still get tired and unable to lift heavier quickly
Issues: some insomnia, energy comes in small bursts then goes away, testicular atrophy is there now and dull ache in balls which shrank by 40% in size so far...I asked endo for HCG he said I can be either on Test or HCG but not both at the same time....(I feel this is not true based on when men's clinics prescribe to others with low T)

What i'm wanting to do:
1. For muscle: I want to run Test at 500mg to 1000mg per week with maybe sustanon and better, hcg for atrophy reversal (5000 Iu) and aromasin for estradiol/gyno reversal

2. For diabetes and tendon issues: I want to run injectable SR9009 (unable to locate Canadian source - only injections work - oral does not for SR9009 specifically), I want to run peptides: BCP 157 and TB 500 for tendon and repair in high doses - also injections
Note: I want to avoid oral test, sarms and peptides as it compromises liver functionality (apart from aromasin)

If anyone has advice i'd welcome it - oh and for those asking source on reversing Type 2 diabetes - check out Dr.Jason Fung (kidney specialist) who reversed type 2 diabeties in patients with kidney damage on dialysis with intermittent and extended Fasting (link: - the longest water fast I did was 20 days thus far (only water and a bit of salt) - but am wondering if this proposal is a better way - my diet is spot on now as is my exercise motivation.
You got this bro lock in
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