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Labs Got Me Spooked - High AST and ALT


Any of you experience high numbers like this before as a result of Anavar or SARMS? The last 6 months of labs are as follows;

AST range 10-37 U/L - 12.14.22 was 32, 03.24.23 was <5L, 06.22.23 was 82
ALT range 5-40 U/L - 12.14.22 was 48, 03.24.23 was <5L, 06.22.23 was 146
AST is 82 and ALT is 146. I have been taking N2G, 7 caps per day since April.

I did run Anavar 50mg/ed from DS for 8 Weeks, (start 04.02.23, last dose 05.27.23) and Umbrellas MK-2866 Ostarine 20mg per day & SR-9009 Stenabolic 30mg per day from 05.02.23 to 06.16.23. Stacking Test Cyp as well 250mg per week.

Labs were drawn yesterday. All other levels are g2g. This past cycle of anavar and sarms was my first so I am a little uneasy. No symptoms of liver or kidney issues, urine, skin and eyes are good and Hepatitis B has been ruled out.

Even 3 weeks after Anavar, it has such a short half life, Im thinking it was the SARMS, but those have a short half life too?

Do you think its possible to cause that much damage even with N2G? Where do I go from here, run another set of labs in 30 days and reassess then?
AST and ALT don't necessarily mean you have damage. its a snap shot of what is going on right now

the key is what happens when you come off. keep the n2guard going and wait another 4-5 weeks as you said and test again. i bet things start moving in the right direction

and yes steroids and sarms do effect liver. i've looked at enough bloods to know this. when you stack sarms there is an effect, when you run them solo not so much. again as i remind people you are using sarms are PED dosages so of course they are going to have some liver toxicity when you run them 20x higher then their medical purpose

anything foreign you put into your body will strike the liver and kidney's. that is the point of those organs to filter and cleanse
Nothing to worry about when I ran sarms stacks and had bloods my values had been like that and getting retested they went back down to normal function range after a little while.
Any of you experience high numbers like this before as a result of Anavar or SARMS? The last 6 months of labs are as follows;

AST range 10-37 U/L - 12.14.22 was 32, 03.24.23 was <5L, 06.22.23 was 82
ALT range 5-40 U/L - 12.14.22 was 48, 03.24.23 was <5L, 06.22.23 was 146
AST is 82 and ALT is 146. I have been taking N2G, 7 caps per day since April.

I did run Anavar 50mg/ed from DS for 8 Weeks, (start 04.02.23, last dose 05.27.23) and Umbrellas MK-2866 Ostarine 20mg per day & SR-9009 Stenabolic 30mg per day from 05.02.23 to 06.16.23. Stacking Test Cyp as well 250mg per week.

Labs were drawn yesterday. All other levels are g2g. This past cycle of anavar and sarms was my first so I am a little uneasy. No symptoms of liver or kidney issues, urine, skin and eyes are good and Hepatitis B has been ruled out.

Even 3 weeks after Anavar, it has such a short half life, Im thinking it was the SARMS, but those have a short half life too?

Do you think its possible to cause that much damage even with N2G? Where do I go from here, run another set of labs in 30 days and reassess then?
@Simon I've had values like this, and it's not always good or bad.

I tested before with n2guard and without n2guard and bloods were way different especially kidney numbers. For you ALT/AST liver values high, that's not abnormal when you use orals. You shouldn't freak out.

I would keep off orals for now, around 4 weeks, stay on n2guard and you'll get back to normal in no time.

You're not drinking alcohol right?

@dylangemelli chime in here please for us.
Yes, there are several things here that have issues and one is GLARING... Ill run down the list of all of it numerically so its easy to follow

1. The GLARING issue is using anavar 8 weeks... I have preached this over a decade about NOT using orals over 6 weeks aside from proviron, which carries no toxicity... The last 3 times I have used anavar, i have had very very similar numbers on my liver values.. i would have to go back to be precise but they are extremely similar and that was with n2guard alongside.. Had you not used n2guard, it would be far worse... I have made videos about abusing orals as well..

When I see recommendations over 6 weeks with orals i absolutely cringe...

2. There are some (very foolish) out there that think anavar is "mild"... Anavar is "mild" compared to other extremely harsh compounds, like superdrol, anadrol etc.. Some claim because it doesnt add a ton of size but people tend to leave out the side effects... its a TOXIC ORAL steroid.. it causes many issues with liver, kidneys, cholesterol and blood pressure...

3. Just because the half life of anavar is short and it gets out of your system does not mean the effects on your liver just then disappear... That can take time, especially dependent on other lifestyle factors which I have no clue on with you but there are other factors that are there.. Diet for instance is an example

4. You got DS anavar , which is TRUE anavar, TOP quality and having said that, it is FAR stronger than some other anavar options out there.. When you use this kind of product, you do not need as much of it as you do with inferior quality. Having said that, that also increases the side effect potential at higher doses...

5. SR9009 is definitely out here as it has zero toxicity, suppression and is completely non hormonal. MK2866 is NOT toxic however there have been reports with YK11, RAD140 and MK2866 slightly elevating liver enzymes, which is certainly possible here... YK11, as i have stated many times, is slightly methylated so that is the obvious on that.. RAD and MK2866 are not and the cause for the slight elevation reports are not fully known and that can certainly contribute to the number, especially with the high toxicity of anavar and that would only enhance the higher numbers...

6. These are definitely higher numbers but nothing that should have you in great fear whatsoever.. These are indicators it is on its way to being out of hand but not near that level yet... You obviously want to bring them down and there are a variety of things you can do...

7. You would want to continue using N2guard.. I would also recommend adding in a NAC supplement for added help as well as a tudca supplement. These will both further enhance the aid it provides.. Remember, N2guard covers all the bases but it does not have large doses of everything or it would be impossible to produce.. Its the ultra all in one, you cannot find one half as complete, but in situations where you have very high numbers, you need added help on top of it...

8. I would also recommend buying ORGANIC NATURAL cranberry juice... It tastes horrible but it makes no difference because it helps in a major way and is something you should do at least the next 3-4 weeks

9. Do not over eat protein.. I have no idea if you are or not but too much can negatively effect both your liver and kidneys

10. I think this should be rather obvious, but do not consume alcohol

You will be just fine.. Just make sure you are off orals or peds and just get yourself cleansed out.. If you go about it properly, you should see your next test far better... I would give it 4 weeks before testing again
my liver values go up on cycle, it is normal
When I see recommendations over 6 weeks with orals i absolutely cringe...

2. There are some (very foolish) out there that think anavar is "mild"... Anavar is "mild" compared to other extremely harsh compounds, like superdrol, anadrol etc.. Some claim because it doesnt add a ton of size but people tend to leave out the side effects... its a TOXIC ORAL steroid.. it causes many issues with liver, kidneys, cholesterol and blood pressure...

3. Just because the half life of anavar is short and it gets out of your system does not mean the effects on your liver just then disappear... That can take time, especially dependent on other lifestyle factors which I have no clue on with you but there are other factors that are there.. Diet for instance is an example

4. You got DS anavar , which is TRUE anavar, TOP quality and having said that, it is FAR stronger than some other anavar options out there.. When you use this kind of product, you do not need as much of it as you do with inferior quality. Having said that, that also increases the side effect potential at higher doses...

5. SR9009 is definitely out here as it has zero toxicity, suppression and is completely non hormonal. MK2866 is NOT toxic however there have been reports with YK11, RAD140 and MK2866 slightly elevating liver enzymes, which is certainly possible here... YK11, as i have stated many times, is slightly methylated so that is the obvious on that.. RAD and MK2866 are not and the cause for the slight elevation reports are not fully known and that can certainly contribute to the number, especially with the high toxicity of anavar and that would only enhance the higher numbers...

6. These are definitely higher numbers but nothing that should have you in great fear whatsoever.. These are indicators it is on its way to being out of hand but not near that level yet... You obviously want to bring them down and there are a variety of things you can do...

7. You would want to continue using N2guard.. I would also recommend adding in a NAC supplement for added help as well as a tudca supplement. These will both further enhance the aid it provides.. Remember, N2guard covers all the bases but it does not have large doses of everything or it would be impossible to produce.. Its the ultra all in one, you cannot find one half as complete, but in situations where you have very high numbers, you need added help on top of it...

8. I would also recommend buying ORGANIC NATURAL cranberry juice... It tastes horrible but it makes no difference because it helps in a major way and is something you should do at least the next 3-4 weeks

9. Do not over eat protein.. I have no idea if you are or not but too much can negatively effect both your liver and kidneys

10. I think this should be rather obvious, but do not consume alcohol

You will be just fine.. Just make sure you are off orals or peds and just get yourself cleansed out.. If you go about it properly, you should see your next test far better... I would give it 4 weeks before testing again

Dylan I agree he will be fine he needs time off thats all, from orals

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Stay on n2guard up the dose to 10caps per day, increase water intake, stop orals and in a few weeks you'll be back at it.
I've done 12 weeks on dbol with n2guard and didn't have high alt ast, its likely sarms but nothing to fear it will get better fast.
Thats complete lies! You are such a lying scumbag its insane… noone with the smallest functioning brain would ever listen to a word you say … ever since you first joined you have been an utter disgrace

Ive watched you advise newbies to run tren, tell people to stack so many different compounds, gram after gram etc.. you are careless, you are reckless and your a flat ass liar on top of all of it.. You need to disappear... Im done being nice about all this nonsense any longer... Im going to make it a priority to be all over you until you leave and trust me, i will be as relentless as you can imagine and then some...
I've done 12 weeks on dbol with n2guard and didn't have high alt ast, its likely sarms but nothing to fear it will get better fast.
I have not held back on you in the past and certainly will not at this time. I feel FAR more against you than Dylan does. I have never said this to anyone but I absolutely despise you for what you do to others. Most would have the sense to never listen to you but there are some that are new and naive. I have watched you also bash sarms so many times in the past yet now you have used them? I have seen you lie time and time again and you have been called out for it multiple times. I also wish you would leave here and never advise anyone on anything again!
Any of you experience high numbers like this before as a result of Anavar or SARMS? The last 6 months of labs are as follows;

AST range 10-37 U/L - 12.14.22 was 32, 03.24.23 was <5L, 06.22.23 was 82
ALT range 5-40 U/L - 12.14.22 was 48, 03.24.23 was <5L, 06.22.23 was 146
AST is 82 and ALT is 146. I have been taking N2G, 7 caps per day since April.

I did run Anavar 50mg/ed from DS for 8 Weeks, (start 04.02.23, last dose 05.27.23) and Umbrellas MK-2866 Ostarine 20mg per day & SR-9009 Stenabolic 30mg per day from 05.02.23 to 06.16.23. Stacking Test Cyp as well 250mg per week.

Labs were drawn yesterday. All other levels are g2g. This past cycle of anavar and sarms was my first so I am a little uneasy. No symptoms of liver or kidney issues, urine, skin and eyes are good and Hepatitis B has been ruled out.

Even 3 weeks after Anavar, it has such a short half life, Im thinking it was the SARMS, but those have a short half life too?

Do you think its possible to cause that much damage even with N2G? Where do I go from here, run another set of labs in 30 days and reassess then?
Dylan gave you such a thorough rundown, it is quite difficult to follow it up but I will give you some personal experience.

I have used orals, admittedly, far too long and had to learn the hard way on multiple occasions, on top of using Deca frequently too high. I have made many errors but learned even more from those errors and have learned how to do things properly. You are still learning and so there is nothing wrong with that. These are all fixable numbers and values. I would really follow the protocols Dylan gave you. He has given the same exact guidance to me and it worked like a charm each time I needed to do this.

With SARMS, I have had slightly elevated liver enzymes with RAD140 in the past. I have not with MK2866 in the both times I have used it. I have also seen elevation with YK11 but that was my fault for not using N2Guard with it because I did not take it serious enough. I have nowhere near the experience Dylan does but I do know that I always run bloodwork and know what it has read. The only time I stacked sarms with steroids, I also ran RAD140 and there was an enhanced elevation. Running multiple compounds, even if they only slightly elevate liver enzymes, can work together and obviously make it more drastic. You will be fine, just keep the oral doses moderate and the length needs to be on the lower end. I can one million percent assure you that the longer you run them, you ensure you are going to have issues, even with protection. Protection helps control side effects but not prevent them entirely.
I think some users will get higher alt/ast combining oral steroids with sarms. While sarms alone will cause elevated liver enzymes, combined with steroids orals will increase it. @Simon push on n2guard way more and keep log on point.
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