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  1. R

    PuritySourceLabs PSL is a really good source, will be back

    Had no issues ordering, got me my pack fast. and more Importantly the products are spot-on perfect. I feel like they're dosed on the money. communication is incredible and it's easy to order on website. products were packaged perfect. i ordered testosterone and trenbolone and gained 10+ pounds.
  2. M

    How to reverse insomnia on cycle

    I’m currently doing trenbolone 200mgs a week which was upped to 300mgs recently I’m also doing 500mgs testosterone propionate with it The injections hurt but i’m getting fast results I’m up to 230 pounds and i’m 6’2’’ 40 years old Problem is I'm getting a lot of insomnia issues. I'm on week 5...
  3. T

    Test boosting T-hero

    Anyone hear of this brand T-hero? I’m looking at their product for Testosterone boosting Its got some boron and ashwagandha extract in it Will this help me boost my testosterone or should I try something else?
  4. B

    Next cycle weighing options

    27 years old I've gone about five or six Cycles I started Young my goals are more mass and fat loss 5 ft 8 in + 210 lb I've got two options to choose from 500mgs equipoise + 500mgs testosterone OR 500mgs trenbolone + 1000mgs testosterone which would you choose?
  5. D

    Domestic-Supply First time with domestic supply

    This is the first time i have tried domestic supply So far so good Their service was satisfactory for what i expected The products are really good I was able to order pharmacy quality gear from their website Loving the testosterone i got. Same stuff i need a script for
  6. U

    Larger cycle injection schedule

    Does anyone know the best way to use a large steroid cycle in terms of injections scheduling? I’m gonna be doing several steroids I’ve got masteron enanthate on hand, gonna do 500mgs of that Testosterone enanthate 750mgs a week of that And then i might add some equipoise 500mgs a week Would i...
  7. E

    Total testosterone is at 3000ng/dl

    Just wondering if you think my gear is legit or not I bought it from a sponsor on here I’m doing 350mgs a week which is about 1.5CC’s per week Should I run more or should I keep the same dosage? I’m currently at week 5. I’ve gone from 167 pounds up to 171 pounds and i am 31 years old
  8. M

    Stunning geneza pharma results

    Just wanted to report my cycle results from geneza pharma I am doing their testosterone with tbol Not even high doses at all Went from 210 pounds up to 220 10 pounds of pure muscle mass. I look in the mirror and it looks like I gained about 50 lb very happy with my results
  9. H

    Stacking primobolan properly

    First time using primobolan but not first time using steroids I’m 5’11’’ and 175 pounds and 10% body fat Goal is lean muscle mass Right now my setup is going to be primobolan 500mgs a week along with testosterone enanthate 250mgs a week What else should i add here?
  10. W

    Self trt vs. legal route

    those of you who are doing testosterone replacement therapy can you go over the differences between doing the self route versus doing the legal route through a doctor and getting Pharmacy grade product I'm 44 years old and I think that it's time for me to strongly consider going on TRT
  11. D

    Testosterone side effects to look for

    someone told me that testosterone is safe and doesn't come with side effects but they aren't exactly the best source of information either I plan on doing 800 mg a week, which is 2CC’s 2x per week 200mgs/ml If that goes to plan i should get some good results my question is what kind of side...
  12. E

    Summer cut with geneza going well

    Just wanted to update everybody on my summer cut with geneza pharma Its going well so far I switched to geneza pharma because the other brand i was using felt off Glad i did I’m now on their masteron and testosterone I’m dieting hard and exercising like a madman and my results are fantastic...
  13. J

    When to abandon a first cycle

    I'm having some issues on my first cycle I’m doing testosterone with dianabol 500mgs and 30mgs of each I am 3 weeks into it and I cannot sleep well I wake up and can’t go back to sleep I’m 27 years old, 5’9’’ and up to 180 pounds from 174 so far
  14. F

    stomach hurts from steroids

    I had a question about the pain that I'm getting in my stomach on this current steroid cycle I’m using winstrol 50mgs a day and testosterone 750mgs a week I’m 46 years old and 6’1’’ 234 pounds. Body fat is 15-20% I've been getting a pain like a side stitch and it happens usually halfway through...
  15. A

    Ratio of test vs. primo?

    I have ran primobolan before in my libido and sex drive really took a hit. I blame it on how mild a compound is. I was only running 200 mg a week of testosterone with it. I basically just used it to reduce the post injection pain do you think if I was to increase the dose of testosterone higher...
  16. H

    Approved Testosterone from UGfreak

    I'm loving this testosterone that I'm using from UGfreak I am doing 800mgs a week I started out 150 pounds skinny, now up to 180 pounds with full muscles. Gotta love this source they are very honest. My bloodwork came in and my test was over 4000.
  17. B

    Approved UGFreak discreet pack good job

    Great job by ugfreak again 3rd time using them All the products got to me on time and no breaks or problems with the post office My sex drive Is incredible on their Trenbolone and testosterone I'm going to use these guys again and I'll recommend them to everybody on here
  18. Phill

    PuritySourceLabs Euro-Pharmacies PSL TRT PLUS

    Praise to this excellent product
  19. M

    using anadrol with tren?

    Here is my steroid stack I am contemplating 500mgs a week trenbolone acetate 10 weeks 50mgs a day anadrol 6 weeks testosterone 50mgs EOD 41 years old, 5’9’’ 158 pounds, body fat is 8% is this too harsh a stack or will I be good?
  20. H

    PuritySourceLabs looking to grab psl products

    I had a question about if anyone has tried some of these PSL products below this is what I am looking for cabergoline trenbolone enanthate testosterone enanthate this will be the basis of my cycle and want to get some help picking the right brand on their website. I want quality, don’t care...
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