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  1. S

    high cholesterol levels no good

    so I’m disappointed in my cholesterol levels they are getting out of hand using several different steroids currently and have previously my first few Cycles I did not have this issue but now things are getting bad wondering what supplements can help with cholesterol please give me some advice
  2. A

    abusing steroids, need some help

    I’m making the decision to abuse steroids for the next year don’t care the health ramifications I have certain goals that I want to reach and nothing’s gonna stand on my way however if I can do it in a somewhat smart fashion I’m definitely open to it so basically give me the supplements I need...
  3. X

    mental clarity supplements

    I’m in law school and I have already failed taking the bar twice nobody really passes it the first couple times anyway but I really want to pass it my third time definitely need to spend many hours studying and I’m also gonna hire a coach to help me as well this is where I need your help I need...
  4. C

    help with body fat issues

    I’ve tried just about every supplement out there and have spent thousands of dollars and still can’t figure out how to lose body fat are all these fat loss supplements a scam or am I just not using the right one I eat a pretty good diet but just can’t seem to get anywhere
  5. M

    my liver hurts on cycle

    I’m looking for a supplement that can help with liver pain while on cycle dealing with pain in my lower right side like a side stitch and bothers me worse after I use oral steroids for the day I tried to stop using steroids for a week and the pain went down and then now it’s back up again once I...
  6. M

    omega supplements that work

    what are the best omega supplements that work the best? I’m looking for some joint supplements When I weight train especially on a heavy day I notice some joint issues especially with my wrists and especially with my knees would these help?
  7. A

    I love protein powder in peanut butter flavor

    So my favorite protein powder is definitely peanut butter flavored the one I was using unfortunately is out of stock and I’m not sure when it will come back can you give me some guidance as to any recommendations on good protein powders that you like to use that have a lot of protein per scoop...
  8. P

    post workout supplements

    What are going to be the best post workout supplements looking for something I can take depending on what time I work out so I’m usually in the gym early in the morning but sometimes I also have a late work out around 6:00 looking for something I can take in either situation to boost recovery
  9. D

    best supplements for someone with a bad stomach

    so I have a bad stomach and I was wondering what supplements I can use that won’t bother it not interested in taking enzymes or probiotics it’s a cover-up a bad supplement just looking for some clean supplements that I can start taking that won’t bother me while I trained and then afterwards and...
  10. JimAbs43

    Podcast UG Supplements 8 - N2Guard is it worth the money? UG Supplements 8 - N2Guard is it worth the money?
  11. S

    neck injury supplements

    what are some supplements that you recommend for a neck problem? I’ve been suffering for a while and am hoping you can help me out basically it’s hard to even look back when I’m driving or have any type of neck motion without it hurting I’m sure you have experience with this
  12. A

    trying to boost confidence

    I’m looking for a supplement to help me boost confidence down there not a big fan of using supps. But I know that they can help can you suggest to me a product that I can try that will make women more attracted to me? Just trying to get laid.
  13. D

    viagra-like supplements?

    A buddy of mine was in town as a trucker for his job and he was telling me that in the midwest you can stop at gas stations and buy blue pill or red pills from gas stations that are just like Viagra he uses them when he is in the parking lots meeting up with women that he meets online has anyone...
  14. J

    cholesterol levels need some help

    I’m currently doing tren and my cholesterol levels are high need some help as to how to fix it supplements are going to be what I would like to buy what are the best legal supplements that I can order online and have shipped directly to my house I help with cholesterol? Okay
  15. G

    dosage of n2guard for aggressive cycle

    I’m going to be running my first aggressive cycle I’ve been using steroids for the past five years in the last couple Cycles I have used n2guard and it’s made a big difference so I believe in the product this time gonna be using tren, superdrol and testosterone. Those sausages will be pretty...
  16. S

    on cycle supplementation

    I’m looking for on cycle supplements that you recommend not just for support but also something that can make your body better overall I’ve tried several items and they’ve honestly done nothing for me so I’m very skeptical but willing to listen
  17. D

    muscle pain and pull

    hello everybody so I have some pain to my muscles where I get a lot of pulls and cramps this usually happens when I trained and I have to stop my training and go sit on the couch at the gym until it goes away ask the couple people in the gym and they said I could be deficient in supplements. Can...
  18. S

    Alpha gal

    So folks I’m struggling hard I got bit by a tick I’m now allergic to red meat (all mammals) anything that has the alpha Gal carb. I basically can’t take anything that has gelatin or animal by products with ag. I can still do dairy for now, but before you say just go vegan, there is a seaweed...
  19. S

    Cholesterol is almost at 300 total

    my total cholesterol is approaching 300 and I’m a bit concerned about it what are some of the supplements and I can start using to get that number more under control my doctor wants me to go on medication because he said that I’m opening myself up to a stroke
  20. H

    running 3g a week steroids. Best supps?

    I’m going to be running three grams of gear a week for 6 weeks I just want to see what it’s going to be like. What are the best support supplements that you recommend to help me during this time? I’m hoping to see some results from this but avoid some of the many side effects that I’m opening...
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