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  1. N

    how do you shred using sarms?

    I’m looking to shred up on sarms for the summer. Want that beach body look with washboard abs. Please give me some tips on what you would recommend. I’m 6’2’’ and 217 pounds, I’m lean everywhere except around my stomach. Please give me a cycle that would work for me? I’m 22 years old. I train 6x...
  2. C

    how much cardio while on sarms?

    what would you recommend I do while on sarms when it comes to cardio I would like to get everything I can out of the stack. I’m doing ostarine mk2866 and sr9009 and going with 25mgs each per day. I know that the more you train the better results you’re going to get. I’m not so much looking for...
  3. M

    check out my 7 day program

    so I’m gonna be doing a new 7 day program, check it out and tell me where I can improve. My goal is more muscle and strength and staying lean 1. legs 2. cardio 3. chest and triceps 4. abs and cardio 5. back and arms 6. cardio 7. rest overall going to try and hit atleast 22 sets per session. Any...
  4. A

    how can I boost my cardio with a supplement

    I absolutely hate doing cardio and when I do it I get really hot and sweaty and I just don’t have the energy to push through I’m going to be doing some testing for a government/military job there’s a certain endurance ability to pass the test and I will be running with a big group and I don’t...
  5. T

    Best supplements post cardio

    usually when I get done with cardio I’m huffing and puffing and I definitely feel like I would like to replenish my body what are some good supplements that you would recommend that I consume post cardio? I’m hoping to get some hydration as well.
  6. R

    Boosting my cardio possible with supplements?

    I ran my first 5k race last Friday and let me tell you something halfway through I was dry heaving and throwing up. It had been years since I went running like that and it was quite a challenging race for me but I had a lot of fun some of those guys are super fast and I was really impressed. I...
  7. Y

    Best supplement for cardio

    what is going to be the best supplement for doing better cardio I took some whey protein shake before my cardio and a mile into my run I have to pull over to the side and throw up I also dry heaved several times during my run so that didn't work anything you can advise for me?
  8. D

    Building more lean mass

    My weight training is gonna be focused on building lean muscle mass My splits i am planning are a 5 day split Upper body back day 1. Upper body front day 2. Lower body day 3. And Miscellaneous day 4 Day 5 will be cardio and stretching what do you think about this type of split for my goals?? do...
  9. H

    Another good sarms run, next step?

    Finished up my last sarms stack Got 4 pounds of lean gains, strength went up, body fat went down Did gw + yk11. Pretty interesting stack and went about 10 weeks until my bottles ran out. 10mgs of each My next cycle i want to add more mass but not sure how to approach things. I currently do a...
  10. E

    Need to improve cardio with sarms

    I just got into CrossFit and it's really fun but my endurance is really bad compared to the other people who have been doing it for a while now I'm kind of tall I'm 6'5 and I weigh around 212 lb. I have some muscle mass on me but I also have a lot of body fat around my belly. I'm probably around...
  11. H

    Fasted cardio and fasting before big meals

    Hello i am starting to change my goals and want more physique look, curious to hear what you would recommend for those of us who want to improve things overall when it comes to fasting techniques I have a 2 part question for you First is it best to break a fast before a big meal if you are...
  12. JimAbs43 Hardcore 27 - Cardio benefits and strategies, Get lean Hardcore 27 - Cardio benefits and strategies, Get lean
  13. X

    increasing endurance and cardio

    I want to start increasing cardio and train for a half marathon what sarms would work best should I do ostarine mk2866 and nutrobal mk677 or should I do GW? I’m 30 years old
  14. A

    How to do anavar solo

    I 42 years old I do some yoga, weight training, and Cardio looking for General increase in lean muscle and also fat loss currently about 13% body fat and I weigh around 172 lb What is the best way to use anavar oxandrolone solo. Should i do 10 weeks? 12 weeks? And what dose?
  15. C

    Cardio post cycle

    so here is the deal I would like to do more cardio and I want to do it after my weight training session is over I figure I could take maybe a 20-minute break take a supplement and then go do my cardio which supplement would work best in that situation
  16. R

    Check out my new split

    I decided to change things up because I am moving to a new gym which has different equipment. What do you think about this? Monday chest and triceps Tuesday off Wednesday legs Thursday cardio Friday back and biceps Saturday everything else I missed Sunday rest
  17. B

    Losing weight from supplements

    Which supplements work the best for weight loss? I have the best physique with a small bone structure Just excess fat around the belly. Heard fasted cardio works great. Would taking something help too?
  18. Q

    How many sets in this routine?

    I am trying a new weight lifting routine and I would like to build some muscle and get stronger what do you think about the following a routine? Monday upper body Tuesday cardio Wednesday lower body Thursday off Friday upper body Saturday lower body Sunday cardio how many sets would I need to do...
  19. U

    Check out my new split

    I'm getting kind of bored at the gym so I wanted to change up my workouts a little bit what do you think about this new setup? Sunday bench press and military press Monday leg day Tuesday cardio Wednesday shoulders and back Thursday off Friday arms and abs Saturday cardio
  20. R

    hydrating ideas

    this time of year it is brutally hot. Some days easy 110 degrees heat index. Without AC we die, I still manage to do cardio outside cause I hate treadmills but I sweat like crazy what are the best hydrating powders I can try?
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