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Approved Log My Pre-Cycle training and diet Log - AureliantheGreasts


Hi all my Names is Aurelian, 24, i have been pretty active all my life, played soccer and ran track through elementary to high school, started working out 4 ish years ago ( 3 and a decent bit really ) with weights with the intention of building bulk whilst still keeping a small waist and preferably flat abbed stomach, 5 foot 5 despite my best efforts to do so however, combination of overtraining and not eating properly led to me still being pretty ( overly really ) lean, and somewhat scrawny, I have not done steroids before, but would like to learn more about them and try a cycle soon! ( very soon ) as for my diet/ training log, Here we Go:

Sunday 6/3

4;50 4 oz Steak and eggs for breakfast, glass of cranberry juice, no sugar

12;00 Protein bar from crunch, not super hungry

6;00 3oz Breaded chicken, a beer,

Monday 6/4

5;50 Ish 1 and half eggs scrambled

11:00 1 small sized bag of beef jerky and of to the gym


Arm curls, 6 sets, 35 pounds, 18 per set 20 left arm due to it being weaker ( no not because of that :) )
Triceps, 6 sets 40 pounds 20 reps for each set ditto
Chest Press 80 pounds 4 sets 15 per set
chest fly 75 pounds 5 sets 15 reps for each set ( gotta get/keep that separation )
Leg press 220 pounds 5 sets 15 reps for set ( 20 for the left leg but sometimes for less sets if I'm to burned out )
Forearms 4 sets 25 pounds 15 per set ( an extra 5 for the left arm for each set )
Calves, 5 sets 50 pounds each hand ( hard to hold ) till failure
Kettlebell half swings 60 pounds for at least 80 swings
( this is my normal routine)

got cleaned up, 2:00 Hamburger 5 oz water

9;00 went to a dinner, pretty light, had a ricey thing


4:30 something 1 egg and a half scrambled.

12:00 lunch, chipotle bowl extra chicken white rice beans lettuce

7;00 hamburger 4 oz and a transfusion ( 1 part 2 parts grape juice 1 part ginger ale 1 part vodka and a lime )


4:30, hamburger 3 oz

Arm curls, 6 sets, 35 pounds, 18 per set 20 left arm due to it being weaker ( no not because of that :) )
Triceps, 6 sets 40 pounds 20 reps for each set ditto
Chest Press 80 pounds 4 sets 15 per set
chest fly 75 pounds 5 sets 15 reps for each set ( gotta get/keep that separation )
Leg press 220 pounds 5 sets 15 reps for set ( 20 for the left leg but sometimes for less sets if I'm to burned out )
Forearms 4 sets 25 pounds 15 per set ( an extra 5 for the left arm for each set )
Calves, 5 sets 50 pounds each hand ( hard to hold ) till failure
Kettlebell half swings 60 pounds, 90 swings

12:00 3 oz chicken and a sald salad

6:00 steak bowl extra meat chipotle ditto rice beans etc


4:30 pancakes ornage juice

7:00 dinner, beef, 3 oz and potatoes
Hi all my Names is Aurelian, 24, i have been pretty active all my life, played soccer and ran track through elementary to high school, started working out 4 ish years ago ( 3 and a decent bit really ) with weights with the intention of building bulk whilst still keeping a small waist and preferably flat abbed stomach, 5 foot 5 despite my best efforts to do so however, combination of overtraining and not eating properly led to me still being pretty ( overly really ) lean, and somewhat scrawny, I have not done steroids before, but would like to learn more about them and try a cycle soon! ( very soon ) as for my diet/ training log, Here we Go:

Sunday 6/3

4;50 4 oz Steak and eggs for breakfast, glass of cranberry juice, no sugar

12;00 Protein bar from crunch, not super hungry

6;00 3oz Breaded chicken, a beer,

Monday 6/4

5;50 Ish 1 and half eggs scrambled

11:00 1 small sized bag of beef jerky and of to the gym


Arm curls, 6 sets, 35 pounds, 18 per set 20 left arm due to it being weaker ( no not because of that :) )
Triceps, 6 sets 40 pounds 20 reps for each set ditto
Chest Press 80 pounds 4 sets 15 per set
chest fly 75 pounds 5 sets 15 reps for each set ( gotta get/keep that separation )
Leg press 220 pounds 5 sets 15 reps for set ( 20 for the left leg but sometimes for less sets if I'm to burned out )
Forearms 4 sets 25 pounds 15 per set ( an extra 5 for the left arm for each set )
Calves, 5 sets 50 pounds each hand ( hard to hold ) till failure
Kettlebell half swings 60 pounds for at least 80 swings
( this is my normal routine)

got cleaned up, 2:00 Hamburger 5 oz water

9;00 went to a dinner, pretty light, had a ricey thing


4:30 something 1 egg and a half scrambled.

12:00 lunch, chipotle bowl extra chicken white rice beans lettuce

7;00 hamburger 4 oz and a transfusion ( 1 part 2 parts grape juice 1 part ginger ale 1 part vodka and a lime )


4:30, hamburger 3 oz

Arm curls, 6 sets, 35 pounds, 18 per set 20 left arm due to it being weaker ( no not because of that :) )
Triceps, 6 sets 40 pounds 20 reps for each set ditto
Chest Press 80 pounds 4 sets 15 per set
chest fly 75 pounds 5 sets 15 reps for each set ( gotta get/keep that separation )
Leg press 220 pounds 5 sets 15 reps for set ( 20 for the left leg but sometimes for less sets if I'm to burned out )
Forearms 4 sets 25 pounds 15 per set ( an extra 5 for the left arm for each set )
Calves, 5 sets 50 pounds each hand ( hard to hold ) till failure
Kettlebell half swings 60 pounds, 90 swings

12:00 3 oz chicken and a sald salad

6:00 steak bowl extra meat chipotle ditto rice beans etc


4:30 pancakes orange juice

7:00 dinner, beef, 3 oz and potatoes
Also forgot to mention that i take Zoloft/sertraline not for muscle unrelated medication and don't Love the idea of sticking needles into myself
SEVERAL things wrong here... clearly your age being the first which is far too young to even consider steroid use.. if you are FULLY intent on learning the hard way, by all means, go for it but you are going to be causing yourself a wide variety of issues as you get older by using steroids when you are not even close to being fully developed.. on top of that, being on anti depressants like zoloft is once again, a very bad decision to mix with steroids, which can CLEARLY alter your mood/attitude/ etc.. Its a horrible idea in every possible way
Hi all my Names is Aurelian, 24, i have been pretty active all my life, played soccer and ran track through elementary to high school, started working out 4 ish years ago ( 3 and a decent bit really ) with weights with the intention of building bulk whilst still keeping a small waist and preferably flat abbed stomach, 5 foot 5 despite my best efforts to do so however, combination of overtraining and not eating properly led to me still being pretty ( overly really ) lean, and somewhat scrawny, I have not done steroids before, but would like to learn more about them and try a cycle soon! ( very soon ) as for my diet/ training log, Here we Go:

Sunday 6/3

4;50 4 oz Steak and eggs for breakfast, glass of cranberry juice, no sugar

12;00 Protein bar from crunch, not super hungry

6;00 3oz Breaded chicken, a beer,

Monday 6/4

5;50 Ish 1 and half eggs scrambled

11:00 1 small sized bag of beef jerky and of to the gym


Arm curls, 6 sets, 35 pounds, 18 per set 20 left arm due to it being weaker ( no not because of that :) )
Triceps, 6 sets 40 pounds 20 reps for each set ditto
Chest Press 80 pounds 4 sets 15 per set
chest fly 75 pounds 5 sets 15 reps for each set ( gotta get/keep that separation )
Leg press 220 pounds 5 sets 15 reps for set ( 20 for the left leg but sometimes for less sets if I'm to burned out )
Forearms 4 sets 25 pounds 15 per set ( an extra 5 for the left arm for each set )
Calves, 5 sets 50 pounds each hand ( hard to hold ) till failure
Kettlebell half swings 60 pounds for at least 80 swings
( this is my normal routine)

got cleaned up, 2:00 Hamburger 5 oz water

9;00 went to a dinner, pretty light, had a ricey thing


4:30 something 1 egg and a half scrambled.

12:00 lunch, chipotle bowl extra chicken white rice beans lettuce

7;00 hamburger 4 oz and a transfusion ( 1 part 2 parts grape juice 1 part ginger ale 1 part vodka and a lime )


4:30, hamburger 3 oz

Arm curls, 6 sets, 35 pounds, 18 per set 20 left arm due to it being weaker ( no not because of that :) )
Triceps, 6 sets 40 pounds 20 reps for each set ditto
Chest Press 80 pounds 4 sets 15 per set
chest fly 75 pounds 5 sets 15 reps for each set ( gotta get/keep that separation )
Leg press 220 pounds 5 sets 15 reps for set ( 20 for the left leg but sometimes for less sets if I'm to burned out )
Forearms 4 sets 25 pounds 15 per set ( an extra 5 for the left arm for each set )
Calves, 5 sets 50 pounds each hand ( hard to hold ) till failure
Kettlebell half swings 60 pounds, 90 swings

12:00 3 oz chicken and a sald salad

6:00 steak bowl extra meat chipotle ditto rice beans etc


4:30 pancakes ornage juice

7:00 dinner, beef, 3 oz and potatoes
@AureliantheGreast this is a good start, what are your full stats? share them not clear especially bodyday.
also post your face blurred picture for us to see

I see you drank beer, alcohol will be a no-no with steroids.

Have you checked your testosterone levels before? if not, how do you feel overall? tired? horny ? no libido? energetic? we need to get a feel for your natural testosterone level, its possible to just start you with a testosterone booster (herbal) before anything else.

so recap
stats clarify
face blurred pic
test level
and keep updating this log we need to see more diet training
i would also like you to be older, not use anti depressants, and live a cleaner lifestyle but let's be honest not many people fit that bill especially among your generation so it would be foolish to expect that

we need to control what we can control and your diet needs work. we can hammer away at it as this log goes on but first step is what sambee mentioned so we can best help you
welcome to the forum and glad you see a log up
my best advice is quit the booze
make sure your hamburger and other foods are clean. i only eat clean chicken for example no sauce
Hi all thank you so much for all your answers !!! will definitely quit the booze and to I used to split up my work outs for the first near 3 years, but given my general lack of results, I though it would be better to work everything in one day, so as to give my muscle time to recover perhaps this was/is not the best idea, To answer your other questions, I pretty much entirely eat clean meat, I had my test levels checked about a year ago, everything pretty normal, I am generally pretty energetic, despite my meds, and how they effect my serotonin most people describe me as somewhat hyper. I take it from most of your replies ( again thank you very much for them and all you advice ) that steroids at my age would perhaps be a nono and a bad idea glad to know and very glad i asked you al,l as had I not I probably would have done something stupid. Mobster, recommended Sarms from Umbrella labs, Which ones exactly would you all recommend specifically, I have heard a lot of negative things about Sarms Particularly in younger folks ( such as myself ) but also heard of there impressive results and lasting gains, if you all recommend them, I will absolutely take them, any other advice on diet training i will also gladly follow and add to this log as I continue to add more to it, and will add a picture soon, I think perhaps then it will become more obvious these reason why i want to try steroids or Sarms !!! thank you all so much again and thank you for all your replies and advice thus far, I look forward to working with you all more in the future!!! and sorry for the long reply!!
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