Evolutionary.org Underground 31 - Oral Only Bulking Cycles for Winter with Geneza
Hey guys, I’m going to try my best to keep up on this log. It’s a bit difficult right now with work and paramedic school but I will try my best. This is my third cycle. Last cycle was about 6 years ago. Ive run test sust 650/week for 12 weeks for my first cycle with no sides 12 years ago. Second...
Evolutionary.org 536 - Best and worst cycles we have ever ran
IronOverload.io Hardcore 35 - Saving up or cheap ($400 cycles for example) budget cycles?
Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #8 - Get Cut get Abs New Years Resolution Cycles - Euro Pharmacies
I had a question about doing trt for a 25 year old
I ran a couple Cycles when I was younger and I didn't know what I was doing.
I've been feeling like crap so I went and got my blood work done and my doctor said my test levels were low under 200
he wouldn't give me testosterone replacement...
Going to start my first cycle of SARMs rad 140 from umbrella labs next upcoming week, as the base can I take the supplement testosterone from hi-tech ? Also doing 20mg for 30days and doing pct after wards
I've used a couple different sources the last couple Cycles I've done. I won't mention the names but they aren't recommended on here so I don't want to give them free publicity. Bottom line is I would get a 10 mL vial and it would run out early. It's like they were underdosing the vials. My...