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Tren and test cycle (need advice)


Hi, i started a cycle (tren ace 150 mg/tren enth 150 mg / Test enth 300 mg) 20 mg cardarine a week. Im two week in it. i take aromasin eod. Everything is fine except a little headache at the beginning but went i stop the cardarine my headache stop i started back cardarine. Now everything is fine. i got a few question.

1-should i start prami now or if i get symptoms? And how much mg a day (some say 0.125mg /ed and ramp up to 0.25mg /ed)? im a little confuse cause some post says wait some says take it now.

2- Does cardine give a headache at the beginning?

3-is it ok to take alcool whit this? just a feww drink?once a week.

i take these supplement to:

citrate de magnesium 400mg
vitamine b6 300mg
vitamine e 800iu
vitamine c 100mg
n2guard 5 cap
colagene 10g
glutamine 10g
creatine 10g omega-3 3600mg
i certainly would not drink alcohol on any cycle, especially not with tren but thats up to you.. its not a great idea to do

cardarine should not give a headache although i have heard some people get this.. often times if its liquid, it could be the solvent used.. i have no idea where you got your cardarine so i dont know what the carrier is that you are using

i would highly doubt you would need prami with such a low dose of tren but only bloodwork can tell you what you need but generally, that dose would not require it... i would just supplement vitamin b6 for prolactin at lower doses like this of tren
Hi, i started a cycle (tren ace 150 mg/tren enth 150 mg / Test enth 300 mg) 20 mg cardarine a week. Im two week in it. i take aromasin eod. Everything is fine except a little headache at the beginning but went i stop the cardarine my headache stop i started back cardarine. Now everything is fine. i got a few question.

1-should i start prami now or if i get symptoms? And how much mg a day (some say 0.125mg /ed and ramp up to 0.25mg /ed)? im a little confuse cause some post says wait some says take it now.

2- Does cardine give a headache at the beginning?

3-is it ok to take alcool whit this? just a feww drink?once a week.

i take these supplement to:

citrate de magnesium 400mg
vitamine b6 300mg
vitamine e 800iu
vitamine c 100mg
n2guard 5 cap
colagene 10g
glutamine 10g
creatine 10g omega-3 3600mg
@GGpump good to see you back.

I would stop the cardarine if you're getting headaches why risk it? or try 5mgs dose to start off

and tell me why did you stop updating your log before? long while back? we missed you!

Prami is a bad choice btw way better out there BUT
before we talk more choices on this cycle or plans
you need to start a NEW log journal diary so we can see your details and start understanding what you doing more
its a MUST please get it up NOW

To really guide you we need more info, we need you to share your diet, training, cardio, sleep, supplements etc log with us, full log journal so our guidance is based on facts you provide.

If you want us to really guide you, and we have 100s of years of experience between us, you need to post a LOG Journal with your stats (weight,height,age, years training, cycle history) diet, training, cardio, supplement, sleep details. If you don't log what you eat or train now, open NOTES on phone and start recording it there and paste here. Very easy.

Please post a Log Journal asap for us

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top RIGHT (orange color button) you see: +POST THREAD
click that

in Title: write your cycle name, like> My _____ Cycle Log
___ = the name of your log
example: My testosterone Trenbolone cycle Log
in body: write your planned cycle or cycle you doing now, your diet, training and we will help you along on your cycle

here are examples of LOG Journals

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why do you need to drink alcohol on or off cycle I don't understand it

I just had a client who was drinking alcohol daily and it wasn't even hard liquor just some wine

they were under the impression that it was healthy for them. Hell I've seen some articles out there cite some bullshit studies showing that beer had health benefits or even hard liquor had health benefits LOL

anyway I convinced them to just quit the wine for one month they ended up losing 25 pounds just from quitting the wine and their diet didn't even change that's how bad alcohol is for you
Make sure you post where you're getting your stuff from
you might think you're using this or that but it might be fake
headaches can also mean that you have high blood pressure and other issues
don't take these side effects lightly they can be silent killers
I would get a log Journal up immediately
make sure you document your blood work and your blood pressure readings

This thread/post was reviewed by our Medical Review board.

This thread/post/message was also fact checked by Steven Darwin, MD and our medical review board.

Full editorial process was followed, and please read our medical disclaimer, check our editorial process.
so much simpler to get to know you so we can guide you
look at the other people logging and how much they've improved
tren is serious business
you definitely need to get a lot going so we can track your day to day side effects
that's a big cycle anytime you're adding tren and test
so my best advice is get your log back going or start a new one
i certainly would not drink alcohol on any cycle, especially not with tren but thats up to you.. its not a great idea to do

cardarine should not give a headache although i have heard some people get this.. often times if its liquid, it could be the solvent used.. i have no idea where you got your cardarine so i dont know what the carrier is that you are using

i would highly doubt you would need prami with such a low dose of tren but only bloodwork can tell you what you need but generally, that dose would not require it... i would just supplement vitamin b6 for prolactin at lower doses like this of tren
Great reply brother. Covered it well
why do you need to drink alcohol on or off cycle I don't understand it

I just had a client who was drinking alcohol daily and it wasn't even hard liquor just some wine

they were under the impression that it was healthy for them. Hell I've seen some articles out there cite some bullshit studies showing that beer had health benefits or even hard liquor had health benefits LOL

anyway I convinced them to just quit the wine for one month they ended up losing 25 pounds just from quitting the wine and their diet didn't even change that's how bad alcohol is for you
it social drinking, went i go out whit friends i drink like 2-3 glass of alcool. But if it really bad i will not drink.
headaches can also mean that you have high blood pressure and other issues
don't take these side effects lightly they can be silent killers
my blood pressure is systolic=128 diastolic=86 normal range. like i said in my post now it fine. i have no issue. i feel great . my strenght +20%.
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