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  1. J

    Semaglutide stomach issues after using for 3 months

    I used semaglutide for the past 3 months. Started at .25mg once a week then bumped it up to 2mgs per week. This was through a weight loss clinic and I was dealing with a lot of nausea and stomach issues especially after three weeks on it. The clinic said it was unusual but they said to keep...
  2. N

    who on here trains with pro bodybuilders in their gym?

    I just moved to los angeles and I signed up to train at a very expensive gym downtown. There are several pro bodybuilders who train at my gym along with celebrities from movies and shows. I got a couple autographs after their workouts they’re really cool to train around because they are really...
  3. T

    2 days on and 2 days off training?

    has anyone tried the two day on and two day off weight lifting training strategy? let's say I work out on Monday and tuesday. then I take Wednesday and Thursday off. and then work out again on Friday and Saturday would this be advantageous to help with recovery or would I be better off training...
  4. R

    Weight loss products

    I have tried them all and they don't seem to work I'm currently 285 lb when I was in high school I literally weighed 160 or 165 now in my mid-twenties I am desperate to cut off all this excess weight. Even if I can lose 50 lbs I'll be happy please help me with a supplement
  5. K

    tren E works or no?

    If I want to bulk can I use trenbolone enanthate? I’m 175 pounds and 5’11’’ .. think I have room to grow more. I’m 27 years old how much tren E for my weight? 400Mgs a week good enough?
  6. D

    Can i build muscle with light weights?

    So I would like an honest answer to this can you actually build muscle just using light weights? I bought a nice weight set for my home garage and I filled everything up as much as I could but the weights are not that heavy overall. I could probably put on clothes to 180 lb on the bar for...
  7. M

    Number of sets changes?

    let's say I am working out three different body parts do I change the number of sets that I do each time or do I keep things the same? right now I am doing between 15 to 18 sets per day
  8. N

    Best thing for losing weight

    what are the best supplements for losing weight me and my wife both want to lose some weight. She wants to lose about 20 pounds and I want to lose about 40 lb we are both in our late thirties can you suggest a supplement that we can try that can help burn fat
  9. I

    Steroid solutions here

    What do you do when you are gaining too much weight too fast? I work in a profession where people talk a lot and they are starting to talk and I don't want that to happen I’m doing testosterone and dianabol. Not even running high dosages. I went from 176 to 189 so fast. I’m 6’2’’ Should i use an...
  10. G

    How often do you train?

    I’m currently training 2-3x per week and not seeing enough results I’m looking to look like some of you on here and just improve my look overall So i ask a simple question, how often do you currently train? And how often did you train at your peak?
  11. E

    Supplements to reduce recovery time

    I like to hit the weight room really really hard and in the process my body breaks down a lot. I'm starting to get into my forties and my body doesn't recover the way it used to what supplements do you guys find work at helping recover your body
  12. S

    Another weight loss thread

    My situation is unique in that I've tried every supplement known to man to help me lose weight. I've also tried dieting and I've tried a lot of workouts. Nothing seems to work for me so I'm going to ask this again. Is there a supplement that can eat my weight loss cuz I really need help
  13. M

    Weight gainer yay or nay

    What do you guys think about using weight gainers if someone is super skinny. My buddy that I trained with is like half my size and even though he eats a lot he still can't get anything was thinking about getting him some weight gainers I'm tired of seeing him so skinny it's embarrassing for me...
  14. W

    Increasing appetite

    I am a pretty skinny dude and I want to gain some weight this girl that I've been getting to know says that she likes me a lot but physically she prefers bigger guys. What is the best supplement I can start taking now to gain weight
  15. N

    Need help with fat loss

    A buddy of mine lost a lot of weight this year I ran into him after not seeing them for a while. I asked them what he had done and he laughed and said he took a bunch of supplements. I asked them what type of supplements and you said fat loss supplements. He didn't explain those specifics. Can...
  16. D

    Best sarms for cutting down

    I'm currently 25% body fat and not happy with the way I look it's time to make a change and I set my New Year's resolution to lose weight my journey will need some help because that's just the kind of person I am I'm seeking your guidance on the best sarm stack for cutting down Keep in mind i am...
  17. Y

    Best sarms for cutting

    I'm 5 ft 8 in 185 lb I have medium to large build and I want to lean out from here at my height 185 lb might seem like very little weight but trust me it looks a lot like fat on my body. What is the best sarm that you recommend for someone like me? I'm 24 years old and I want to take something safe
  18. L

    Getting the most out of my weight training with diet

    are there any tips you can share with me to get the most out of my weight training my issue right now is I seem to lose a lot of energy during my workouts I'm not sure if it's because I'm not getting enough sleep at night or if my diet isn't up to par but regardless is there any tips that you...
  19. K

    junk food diet

    I have a friend who said he lost a lot of weight just eating junk food and sitting on the couch all day. He said he did it by counting his macros and calories he said at the end of the day he would count up how much he ate for the day and if he was at the number he would skip dinner. All he ate...
  20. W

    Supplements to hydrate

    I work a construction job and this time of year I'm Sweating Bullets. My Buddy actually measured how much weight he loses every day and he came out to 5 to 6 lb from just sweating so much. Which supplement can I take that will help hydrate me so I don't lose too much water out of my system
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