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warrior labs

  1. J

    lack of patience from warrior labs sarms

    reached out to warrior labs for their sarms and the guy I was dealing with did not have patience with me. Yes I emailed them several times but wasn’t getting any responses to the first few emails. Guy on monday messaged me back and was yelling at me saying how I was annoying. This is some crappy...
  2. F

    warrior labs sarms honest feedback

    well I am done with my warrior labs sarms stacking. Did their gw cardarine, lgd4033 and also did their rad140. This was supposed to be a good cycle where I put on some lean muscle mass and also drop some weight in the process unfortunately the opposite has happened I’ve actually gained body fat...
  3. D

    warrior labs sarms missing items

    so I made a large order with warrior labs sarms and I’m instantly regretting my decision. Would have to rate them very low overall because I ordered 2 lgd, 2 gw, and 3 sr. they sent me 1 lgd, 1 gw and 2 sr. lol. So they basically jip me on each item by one. What’s that all about and when I...
  4. A

    warrior labs sarms are a scam

    for sure warrior labs sarms are fake and are very scammish used their GW501516 and did 20mgs a day every time I would eat something I would break out in a sweat also my endurance took a nose dive. I did not lose weight either, in fact I gained weight which was weird I would not recommend these...
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