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  1. H

    timing my GW and nutrobal doses

    I’m looking to ping pong my gw501516 cardarine dose and nutrobal mk677 got enough for a 12 week run of both but I would like to get the doses just right and time them perfectly throughout the day. My thoughts are using the GW 10mgs at 8am and 8pm and the nutrobal 10mgs at 6am and 6pm. Would this...
  2. M

    mk677 nutrobal cycle thoughts

    I’m looking to do mk677 nutrobal for 16 weeks. So far my plan is this: 1-8 weeks 25mgs a day weeks 8-16 35mgs per day pct will be ostarine mk2866 12.5mgs a day for 4 weeks. I’m 40 years old and I’m looking to get some anti-aging and healing benefits do you recommend these types of dosing
  3. K

    mk677 nutrobal for cutting?

    I’m so confused on one hand people say this sarm is good for cutting and on the other hand they say its not cause it boosts appetite. Well if that is the case then why would anyone use hgh at all then since they both are the same thing and both increase appetite lol. Seems dumb to me. Can anyone...
  4. N

    new guy sarms stack

    I’m currently six foot five and 180 pounds and 23 years old I’ve been Lifting for two years and I feel like I already look better than some of the guys on here like dylan who have been lifting for much longer and who use tons of gear. This time would love to use sarms. I did some research and I...
  5. T

    mk677 hunger timing

    what is the best way to run nutrobal mk677 to boost hunger? I’m training four days a week and I’m going 30 minutes per session quick high intensity workouts. Problem is during my workouts I get an intense hunger feeling if I take it before I go. What is the best strategy to use this stuff should...
  6. G

    3 sarms stack

    22 years old in college and I don’t have much free time because I spend it all studying and doing homework. I do dedicate about 45 to 50 minutes a day to my training because I take that very seriously. I don’t smoke or drink and I don’t do any drugs. Now, I would like to take things to the next...
  7. V

    Adding mk677 to gw make any sense?

    I'm more of an endurance athlete and I do some Olympic lifting too. overall I would say I train about six times a week and my recovery is becoming an issue as I get older I'm currently in my early 40s and I'm 178 lb and 5 ft 11 in what do you think about stack nutrobal mk677 25mgs a day in the...
  8. K

    12 months on mk677 then what?

    I'm 10 months into my mk677 run nutrobal I would say overall I have had some decent results with fat loss and also my appetite has really leveled off where I don't get hungry all the time like when I first started also lean muscle mass has been there. however been disappointed with overall...
  9. J

    Best beginner sarms stack

    What would be the best stock to start for if you are a beginner to this. I'm 23 years old and I've been working out for around 2 to 3 years. I went from around 125 lb up to 155 lb so far. I'm 5'10 and I am very lean probably 8 or 9% body fat I would like to increase my muscle mass a lot of...
  10. J

    Sr9009 works good with mk677?

    I have used both sr9009 and mk677 nutrobal solo And i have used them both with ostarine mk2866 But never used them together My goals are endurance and recovery. I do a lot of high intensity workouts I’m currently 58 kg 5 ft 6 in and I am 38 years old if I use these two together should I increase...
  11. J

    nutrobal mk677 is interesting

    just wanted to update people on my nutrobal mk677 experience I am using umbrella sarms I am up about 8 pounds from when I started. Up to 212 pounds and I’m 6’3’’ this stuff is improving my sleep and my appetite a lot I love the stuff, will recommend to others
  12. U

    Nutrobal for 5 months on ?

    My plan with nutrobal MK677 is to do 50mg a day for 5 months on and 5 months off I’m seeking some Lean muscle gains and also want to burn some fat at the same time I'm also looking for a boost in my growth hormone which should help with my sleep and appetite Do you think that is the best way to...
  13. A

    Proper ancillaries on sarms

    What are the proper ancillaries we are supposed to be using when we are doing a sarm cycle I’m gonna be doing mk677 nutrobal 25mg a day GW cardarine 25mg a day LGD4033 40mg a day do I need to use any type of anti estrogen or liver support when I'm running a cycle like this or can I just wing it...
  14. W

    New to P.E.D's and need help

    Hello, I'm pretty new to peds in general I did 1 cycle of mk677 as my first then I did 1 cycle of clen but did not see much results. I am going to start cycling mk677 in hopes of losing some body fat and gaining muscle. How to I train and diet to optimize muscle growth and fat loss? And how...
  15. B

    Fasting on MK677

    I have been doing different types of fasting for years and it has improved my athletic performance tremendously. I'm currently doing alternate day fasting and intermittent fasting. Do you think adding mk-677 will enhance my fast or make it harder where it's not a good idea. 28 years old and 6...
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