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Approved Log 2024 Para Pharma Testosterone Primobolan Equipoise Tbol Contest Prep Log

Wednesday April 3 2024

weight before jumping back on cycle was 217lbs.

Current weight now 220lbs up 3lbs since getting back into training.

I wanted to start out today with some great news, I successfully completed day one back on my original cycle program, which is one of frank zanes programs.

Low dose and glute shots was the correct approach it has been working and I'm getting strong again, I do have to give Tbol all the credit because I'm only 2 weeks back into shots so 4 in total, definitely not the long ester injectables, not even close to peaking yet.

amazing what just 20mg of tbol is doing for me, dht compounds just make me strong for some reason and i respond so well with them.

This week we adjust the injectables, primo instead of 200mg a week will be at 300mg a week moving forward for the next few weeks, if that goes well we eventually bump up into 400mg, which that will be my max primo dose for the entire cycle.

Crazy thing is i haven't even introduced the EQ back in the cycle yet 👀 this could get pretty interesting 6-12 weeks from now, if my plan continues going the way it is now.

It has been a wild ride for me coming from where I was a month ago and where I am at presently, night and day difference in mood, drive and attitude, head fully screwed on and back in the game.

I am back with vengeance day one everyday we find a way for improving in all aspects.

I absolutely crushed it today in the gym, I felt a sense of accomplishment and happiness, it carried all day into the night, I haven't felt this good in a long time.

Last night I watched a bunch of robbie robison " aka the black prince" training footage and I picked it apart and analyzed it.

Watching the way he perfectly executes the low cable row blew my mind, so I decided to try his technique and utilizing it I was able to max the weight out at 260lbs.

I couldn't believe how just watching the way he pulled with his back and watching what muscles contracted improved my technique, and gave me a killer pump in the process.

Only downside was I ripped a calcus almost completely off, which made me mad lol, so I went for another set with my rows and kept going no pain no gain as they say.

Moving forward lay out is this for the next few weeks.

300 test
300 primo
20mg tbol

enjoy the update everyone!

Wixx 💪

Back, Biceps, Forearms, Abs (Duration 100 – 110 Minutes)
Workout One

Wide Gripe Rack Pulls ( my best is 5 plates a side working at getting back to that)
1x5@390lbs ( 15second hold last rep)

Machine Row

Cable Lat Pulldown

Cable Low Row

One Arm DB Concentration Curls

Alternating Dumbbell Curls

45° Incline Dumbbell Curls

Barbell Reverse Wrist Curls

Barbell Wrist Curls

Weighted Crunches

Seated Twists
1x50@55lbs( left side)
1x50@55lbs( right side)
Wednesday April 3 2024

weight before jumping back on cycle was 217lbs.

Current weight now 220lbs up 3lbs since getting back into training.

I wanted to start out today with some great news, I successfully completed day one back on my original cycle program, which is one of frank zanes programs.

Low dose and glute shots was the correct approach it has been working and I'm getting strong again, I do have to give Tbol all the credit because I'm only 2 weeks back into shots so 4 in total, definitely not the long ester injectables, not even close to peaking yet.

amazing what just 20mg of tbol is doing for me, dht compounds just make me strong for some reason and i respond so well with them.

This week we adjust the injectables, primo instead of 200mg a week will be at 300mg a week moving forward for the next few weeks, if that goes well we eventually bump up into 400mg, which that will be my max primo dose for the entire cycle.

Crazy thing is i haven't even introduced the EQ back in the cycle yet 👀 this could get pretty interesting 6-12 weeks from now, if my plan continues going the way it is now.

It has been a wild ride for me coming from where I was a month ago and where I am at presently, night and day difference in mood, drive and attitude, head fully screwed on and back in the game.

I am back with vengeance day one everyday we find a way for improving in all aspects.

I absolutely crushed it today in the gym, I felt a sense of accomplishment and happiness, it carried all day into the night, I haven't felt this good in a long time.

Last night I watched a bunch of robbie robison " aka the black prince" training footage and I picked it apart and analyzed it.

Watching the way he perfectly executes the low cable row blew my mind, so I decided to try his technique and utilizing it I was able to max the weight out at 260lbs.

I couldn't believe how just watching the way he pulled with his back and watching what muscles contracted improved my technique, and gave me a killer pump in the process.

Only downside was I ripped a calcus almost completely off, which made me mad lol, so I went for another set with my rows and kept going no pain no gain as they say.

Moving forward lay out is this for the next few weeks.

300 test
300 primo
20mg tbol

enjoy the update everyone!

Wixx 💪

Back, Biceps, Forearms, Abs (Duration 100 – 110 Minutes)
Workout One

Wide Gripe Rack Pulls ( my best is 5 plates a side working at getting back to that)
1x5@390lbs ( 15second hold last rep)

Machine Row

Cable Lat Pulldown

Cable Low Row

One Arm DB Concentration Curls

Alternating Dumbbell Curls

45° Incline Dumbbell Curls

Barbell Reverse Wrist Curls

Barbell Wrist Curls

Weighted Crunches

Seated Twists
1x50@55lbs( left side)
1x50@55lbs( right side)
@Noah Wixx im subbed to your log but never see diet updates lately
how high is your protein?
Very nice variations to your exercises
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